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  1. I have corrupt object files for the castle walls objects in RCT2 and need to replace them. The files on here are not downloadable. Is there anywhere else that I can get replacements?
  2. What I actually want is how to find the file names that the program is using. I have found a 'missing' file in all three versions of the object files (RCT, RCT2 & Openrct2). Also, I do not have as many rides as I have had in the past.
  3. I have RCT, RCT2 and OPENRCT2 loaded and linked. When I try to load certain scenarios, using OPENRCT2, I get a list of objects not found and most of them are not found when I try to download them. My question is: How do I find the object file that the program is using since there are three potential sources?
  4. I would like to know if the developers have seen my suggestion and what they think about it. I know that they are very busy, but is there a way to send a message to them directly?
  5. Thank you jensj12. With your info, I have solved my ride duplication problem.
  6. In the past I had copied the tracks file to save the old rides (I forget the exact reason). So now I have duplicate rides in the ride selection list (most have 4 copies). I would like to know how I can find out what files that OPENRCT2 is using for the tracks. I know where the main track file is, with the other OPENRCT2 files but I need to know where the duplicate files are coming from - they are not in the OPENRCT2 track file. Can anyone help me ?
  7. I recently downloaded version 4.1 and noticed the new title parks. I could not find them, can someone let me know where they can be found? Thankx
  8. I would like to suggest a change to the View Options: It would be helpful if all of the See-through/Invisible options be turned into toggle switches, i.e. once they are turned on, the stay turned on until they are turned off by the game player not the program. As an example, this would be helpful when the vegetation is made see-through while placing pathways on rough terrain and you need to switch to the land adjustment tool. This switch causes the vegetation to become visible again. Thank you for considering this.
  9. Thank you Gymnasiast I appreciate the information.
  10. I have been using OPENRCT2 for a few years now and I would like to suggest some changes for consideration to the developers. How do I get a message to them?
  11. I would like to suggest a change to the View Options of OPENRCT2: It would be a big help if all choices in the View Options be set up as toggle switches ie once they are turned on they stay on until turned off. As an example of the problem; when using the path creator and the scenery is made invisible, the scenery will reappear when the path creator window is closed. This change would be very useful. Thank You for considering this P.S. please be sure that the developing team receives this request.,
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  12. I would like to suggest a change to the View Options of OPENRCT2: It would be a big help if all choices in the View Options be set up as toggle switches ie once they are turned on they stay on until turned off. As an example of the problem; when using the path creator and the scenery is made invisible, the scenery will reappear when the path creator window is closed. This change would be very useful. Thank You for considering this P.S. please be sure that the developing team receives this request.,
  13. I have been running OPENRCT2 for some time now and have created different folders for scenarios & tracks. I download new tracks and copy them into a TRACKS folder but the new rides do not show up in my game. How can I find out the file name that my program is using? This has been bugging me for a while. Thankx
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