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  1. Six Flags New Orleans remake - 75% accurate I'd say. No custom scenery, no cheats. Have fun! Six Flags New Orleans.park
  2. Darn it, okay. That really sucks. I was hoping I could get it in my phone so I could show friends lol
  3. This is a weird situation but I’ve recently been working on a park in hopes that I can load it into vanilla RCT2 (or RCT Classic on my phone.) The problem is that Open now saves my games as .park files due to the new limitations of the game. I’m gonna guess that RCT2 can’t open said files for obvious reasons. The park I’m making has original RCT2 objects, no custom scenery or cheats and doesn’t break any limitations of the original game. Is there anyway to get it to save as a SV6 file? Or can an older build of OpenRCT open the .park file to save as SV6 of convert it or something?
  4. It's happening to me too. Dunno what the deal is.
  5. Best thing to do is start from the beginning. Teaching this is a little tricky since everybody's router login is a bit different. Here's the basics. Open up command prompt and type "ipconfig" and scroll down to locate your IPv4 address. This will be used. Also, the port you are forwarding to is 11753 (OpenRCT's port.) Open up your router settings and go to your port forwarding settings. (Assuming you know how to get there.) Mine has an External and Local IP settings. For the external IP address, leave it and for the start and end port there, put them both 11753. For the Local IP address, type in your IPv4 from command prompt there, and fill the start and end port with 11753 once again. Set protocol to "Both" and select "Yes" to forward the ports. This is how mine is but yours might be a little bit different. I hope this helps you out. :)
  6. Hello all, I need some help with my server. I'm sure you guys get many questions about this specific topic but I need some help. I use to host all the time on my old laptop, but recently I got a new desktop computer and I would like to host every once and a while on here. Basically, I went to my router settings and changed the local IPv4 address from my Laptop's to my Desktop's. It won't work for some reason. Nobody can see my server. I looked in CMD the IP's matched. The Port is correct. What is the issue?
  7. I tried to get Linux a long time ago, but I ditched the whole process. How do I compile the build? I don't know much about this type of stuff.
  8. Says it in the title, but before you say "Why don't you upgrade to a newer system already because this is outdated?" let me explain. I restore old computers as a hobby, and I find it really fun to see what these old gems are capable of in 2019. Well, I dug out the old family desktop from storage to see what files were on it back when my mom use to use it 15 years ago. I found a lot of old pictures on it and I even found out that I had RCT2 TTP installed on it from an original disc. I don't know why, but I love Windows XP more than any other version of windows, so I decided to have this as my desktop for right now. My laptop that hosts my server is Windows 10, but building on a desktop is much easier. (I'd get a new computer but I'm really tight on money.) So here's the deal. I would like an Openrct2 build for the XP, and I've seen builds on reddit from 3 years ago from a cool guy named Janisour or something like that. (Sorry I don't remember your name.) I don't need like an up to date build, and I don't even need multiplayer since it's not connected to the internet anyway. I would just like some features from Openrct2 on it, like cheats and stuff. I don't care if the build is new or if it's 4 years old. If you need it, I don't know the exact specs of the tower, but I know the model. I have a 2004 HP Pavilion a520n running Windows XP Service Pack 3 and has 512 MB of Ram. It has 64 GB of storage I think. It runs fantastic as old as it is and I'm very impressed with it after I restored it and fixed all the issues. So if anyone has a build, and remember, I don't care what age, please give me a link download or something. I would appreciate it! Thanks!
  9. Well, since maps appear smaller in RCT, it might be hard to see the ground with the cliffs in the way.
  10. So, just for complete nostalgia, and the fact that no one has done it yet, I've decided to whip up something you Halo fans out there will enjoy. Introducing, Halo RCT2. So, first off, I started this special build by creating a custom Title Screen Sequence. I'll dive more into that in a moment. So, I'll start out of the Title Screen music. The game has two themes, RCT2's normal theme "css17.dat" and the original RCT1 theme "css50.dat". Now the RCT1 music can be achieved in two ways. First, in the options, you can select the original RCT1 installation directory, OR you could just copy css.50.dat to the Data folder of RCT2. But, what if there was a way to change the music? Well, it's totally possible. I used Audacity, and I set to 22050 hertz, and then I clicked Export and saved the file as "Other media folders" or whatever to css50.dat. In reality, these .dat files are .wav files, and Audacity will save it like this. Anyways, I saved this in the Data folder and bam, custom music. Of course, the custom music was the original Halo theme from Halo CE. Next step. What about scenarios? Well, pretty simple. Halo 4 and 5 are just the worst art styles, mainly due to Bungie selling Halo to Microsoft. So I recreated 6 maps which are big in Halo sure, but in RCT2, you don't have much room, so get ready for quite a challenge. Here's the following maps: Halo Reach Installation 04 from Halo Anniversary: Halo Reach Spire: Halo 3 Valhalla: Halo 3 Last Resort: Halo 3 Snowbound: Halo 3 Sandtrap: Now, these 6 scenarios make up the titlescreen sequence I created. Not much, I know, but it's a start. I'll probably make more recreations to post here, as well as an updated titlescreen sequence. For now, these are it. Titlescreen Sequence and music: Music and Have fun! I mean, good luck Spartan.
  11. Ah don't worry! There''s many other people that might know what's going on
  12. Yes, I am the administrator. Had the pc since it was new. No I dont have a virus, and I know this because I have openrct2 installed on a usb stick. Pathetic, I know. 28gb storage pc. Anyways, I have never had an issue like this until now. My G1.dat is fine. Same size as you stated. I have no idea was uac is lol but probably not. I don't have much else to state. I stuck the usb into another pc and tried replacing it but it kept coming back so its not a virus.
  13. Okay, found something interesting. A friend of mine copied his g2.dat and gave it to me, so I tried to replace it with his. But, failure. I got this error below. So I tried to delete the current g2.dat and THEN replace it, but then it keeps coming back. This same file with the same error. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?! I've reinstalled Openrct2 5 times now and the original game 4 times. I've tried 3 different builds, one with network 2.20 which what was working before, and one from 2 hours ago and one from this morning.
  14. I've reinstalled Openrct2 3 times using different builds. Nothing is working
  15. Okay, so I have an interesting problem. I decided to update the game to the lastest network version this morning and when it tried to launch, it said "Could not load g2.dat" Weird. So I went to find the file and there it was. Unreadable. 0kb was the size of the file so I knew something was off. So I thought "maybe it's the build so I'll just reinstall the old build" so I did. No luck. So then I decided to reinstall the original game and replace the g2.dat with a fresh one. AGAIN, no luck. File was still corrupted even after being replaced. So I tried DELETING g2.dat then installing the game to INSURE it was being replaced. And it was replaced, but still got corrupted. HOW? Any ideas on how to fix this? Perhaps there's a download somewhere where I can download a working g2.dat file? I was using a demo installer by the way, not the disc.
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