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Everything posted by 1081p

  1. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    Sigh, I have a big creativity block..... :S I'll put myself in missed for now, sorry for wasting others' time. Queue: Thibo1102, L3mmy, UTMAN, Broxzier Missed: 1081p, Deurklink, Redscope53, giraty , Wuis You're up @Thibo1102!
  2. 1081p

    Group Park 8

  3. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    Look who's in the queue twice! L3mmy! Fixed the queue for ya Claimed: UTMAN Queue: Broxzier, 1081p, Thibo1102, L3mmy, Missed: Deurklink, Redscope53, giraty , Wuis
  4. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    I was strongly inspired from his coaster.. Still doesn't look as good as the one he built though
  5. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    My contribution this turn: A, wait, what type of coaster in real life would this be, I don't know It was an addition to what I thought was a pretty mundane area of the park. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 8.29.sv6 Claimed: - Queue: Thibo1102, L3mmy, Broxzier, 1081p Missed: Deurklink, Redscope53, giraty , UTMAN, Wuis @Thibo1102 You iz up!
  6. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    1081p claims the park!
  7. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    My first contribution to this group park! I also noticed that this park is NCSO. No custom sceneries for me But at least that means I don't spend 5 hours on custom supports for my coaster Anyways, here is what I built: A wild mouse: As you can see, I also built a twist by the wild mouse. You can also build what you want in the green area. The entire Asian-themed area: I'll leave naming for someone else.... Queue: @giraty, UTMAN, Wuis, 1081p Missed: Deurklink, Broxzier, Redscope53 Save file: autosave_2018-07-03_21-38-26.sv6 Edit: You can also remove the small white building by the green area if you want. I'm pretty unsatisfied with it.
  8. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    1081p claims park!
  9. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    @giraty @UTMAN Do any of you guys want to claim the park before I do?
  10. 1081p

    Group Park 8

    I've decided to join the group park again! (After being inactive for over half a year :P) Since @Broxzier hasn't claimed the park in a week, I'll just assume to put him in the missed list: Queue: @Deurklink, UTMAN, giraty, 1081p Missed: Redscope53, Wuis, Broxzier
  11. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    I've decided to wait until the weekend to work on the park, so anyone can claim now. I just simply don't have enough time. Hope you all understand
  12. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Now I'm worried I won't able to use all of your ideas because of school
  13. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    I'm thinking of putting an adventure/pirate themed town but I don't know where to put it. I've come up with 2 possible areas. Where do you guys think it should be? Thanks for any feedback!
  14. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Guys... Any ideas? I'm seriously running out..
  15. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! (Wow, it took me a long time to notice I was up)
  16. The screenshot should be in your openrct2>screenshot folder. You just click 'click to choose files', and a box to drag your files on should appear. Then drag the file with your screenshot from your folder into the box, and it should show up. You can then add it in your post when you want to.
  17. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Actually, I put the sand there
  18. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Not again lol The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.33.sv6
  19. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Mostly minor changes this time. Added a food court and remodeled Gold Rush's station building a bit. Claimed: - Queue: saxman1089, xbalogan, TCE, TheMightyClem, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, giraty, Darhtyoda714, 1081p Missed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, Cascadia If you want to modify any of my buildings, just ask
  20. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Can't find MWB-CW25, so can't work on the park Edit: Darthyoda's save is the problem, because giraty's save works.
  21. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Claiming! Claimed: 1081p Queue: saxman1089, xbalogan, TCE, TheMightyClem, RedScope53, Broxzier, Deurklink, Wuis, Leudimin, giraty, Darhtyoda714 Missed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack, Cascadia
  22. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    This issue used to always happen to me too. You might already know this, but when you want to put scenery at a certain level, hover over an object at the same height and press Ctrl and the scenery will fix itself at that height. If you want to place right by an existing piece of scenery, hover over that scenery and press Ctrl and move your scenery to where you want to put it and then move it back to the exsisting piece. If the ghost of your not-yet-placed scenery disappeared, you're placing it in the right place. If not, then you placed it off. By the way, if you can't take a screenshot, use the snipping tool
  23. 1081p

    Group Park 7

  24. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Oh no Here it is: The OpenRCT2 Group Park 7.22.sv6
  25. 1081p

    Group Park 7

    Well, its here! .... another update. I was really excited to finally make a contribution 1st thing: Added some scenery and a station to Blazing Rails and opened the ride. Second thing: Another Coaster! (Hope you all aren't getting tired of these now.) I'm not completely satisfied with the first part of the coaster, so changes are welcome. As of now, it's unnamed. I'll leave the naming to saxman1089. Claimed: - Queue: saxman1089, xbalogan, RedScope53, TCE, Broxzier, giraty, Deurklink, Wuis, Cascadia, Leudimin, Darthyoda714, 1081p Missed: Philmon11, Jensj12, Przemek, Jochem, Spiffyjack note: I don't know how to link names, so If someone could help me with that, that would appreciated.
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