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  1. This screenshot explains all with Mechanic 14 in Megaworld Park. He is going to inspect a ride "Viewing Tower" when he shouldn't because it's not even in his Territory. This occurs with the latest version of the game.
  2. There is a weird bug with staff. they wont stay in their patrol zones. noticed this while playing megaworld park Single Player from RCT1. To reproduce this. Load Megaworld Park. You'll will need to force a lot of breakdowns and then watch the default 14 Mechanics. Think this also happens in Diamond Heights too with the 2 default Mechanics.
  3. think this might be the cause of it! trains for this Multi dimension coaster don't appear right!
  4. the thing is this occured on a community server and i dont know how it happened.
  5. assertion failure i want to worry about 1st! at the moment please. that does occur on server online. i would repeatedly hit ignore then it disconnect me. it seemed to work at 1st. failure message comes back.
  6. i gave dump file above and scenario too. it occurs when i or someone else kicks someone bad out of the server. only occurs in mulitplayer.
  7. then i get this thing later
  8. I get a dump file like this every time i kick a bad player! 2434acb7-406f-431d-9e76-6816bd65ba43(08a668b_x86-64).dmp 2434acb7-406f-431d-9e76-6816bd65ba43.sv6
  9. Need to seriously bring back booster track pieces from the RCT 1 for both Looping and Corkscrew Roller Coasters!
  10. nevermnd it's been fixed noticed it this morning!
  11. The Go Karts do start the way they're suppose too. They start all bunched up if you look closely! It's an unfair race for the slow racers. Because the faster racers pass straight through them and not around them. The images have proof!
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