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Everything posted by Jhonny

  1. i have ported OpenRCT2 and its launcher to another pc using a USB and it gives me an Error MSVCP1.dll is missing from my pc How to fix any ideas on what is going on
  2. how do i work these key systems i wonder cause i never seen or heard of these
  3. what is a private key i never heard of one how do i generate a new one will that possibly help me?
  4. so i had open RCT2 before i factory reset my PC and my previous account still exists even though i factory reseted it is there a way to get my origional account back or delete it
  5. this should show you what they added
  6. actually nvm i thought they did not they do i just now realized the only thing from the dlc thats missing are the paths
  7. is there a mod which adds RCT1 DLC scenery
  8. ok thanks
  9. gotta agree yes alot of time wasted
  10. i think at least someone can atleast agree with me on just seeing the word ADDED ATTRACTIONS is an eyesore compared to Corkscrew Follies and i am part of the us ironically
  11. i have a mod which adds RCT1 maps this is the download site and when i install it into the RCT2 directory and one of the tabs added from the RCT1 scenario remake one says attractions added but in the United States its called Corkscrew Follies and RCT1 scenario its called Corkscrew Follies ive checked and ive made this cause id prefer to see the name Corkscrew Follies rather than an eyesore
  12. saw it i clicked on it it might be broken cause all i heard was RCT1 music 3 times
  13. so i thoght up of an idea for openRCT2 recently in which the RTC1 title music i added into openRCT2 i thought about imagine a option that clyces between first game and second game music and another one i just thought of the title screen selection and have a randomized version of that so it bassically combines both games plus openRCT2 TOGHTER
  14. Thanks i found it and i can finnally feel more fuffiled
  15. That SOUNDS SICK THAT IS AWSOME good luck
  16. i have noticed a setting that allows you to to play RCT1 menu music on the openRCT2 but i need to place css.50 into it and it does not exist in the RCT1 on steam
  17. AWSOME thanks for telling me that
  18. imagine an openRCT1 for the origional that game was AWSOME THE BOMB and openRCT2 i bet would still be a bigger bomb
  19. i only joined cause I LOVE THE NEW GAME/MOD FOR RCT2
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