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Everything posted by HtHNightwolf

  1. Hi developers, let me start by saying what an awesome job you have made, me and my friends have been playing SOOOO MUCH by now and it still is fun. Actually, I strarted (and shut down by now) 4 dedicated Servers on a 2Watt Lattepanda-Server, which is awesome, that it all works but I am facing one issue: Every night I get a new IP Adress. So when I start my server it registers itself to the Server list but the list does not recieve an update when my host IP changes. I have mapped a static cname to have my pple join but other players only see the server but cannot join by clicking it (because by then my IP has changed). Could you please add a frequent Check in the client if it's hosting IP has changed and If changed send the changed IP to the server list?
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  2. Yes that's one of his names. The biggest Problem stillnis that the server list does not refresh if my ISP changes my IP Adresse. After one day my Servers are not accessible anymore. And running it via my chronjobs seems to work not in every Case.
  3. I will try that. Right now I only have a Fritz.Box! I schould fire up my big firewall again. Today he came twice as fas as I noticed. That's his gain? he can only chat, no one is there to even read or reply.
  4. he is rejoining ... 10-20 times a day with an interval of 20 seconds and then a gap of an hour or to till his next ... wave
  5. I do. Unfortunately that means every new person is not allowed to chat aswell. ... but I got his IP adress for now and thinking off my own ways to ... let him concider leaving me alone *coughs*
  6. I just got to know everyont that builds there
  7. Yes, that is what I do. But I cannot be on all the time. He still joins with these names and chats all insults as primitive as he can find.
  8. Yes, as I mentioned in this other post, every Night I get a new IP from my ISP and the Server List from OpenRCT2 cannot handle that. So basically Hosting 24/7 is NOT possible for me. I found a workaround by doing a chronjob that restarts the hosting process every 23 hours. But that would mean the "Disable Vandalism" Cheat is off again. In my opinion a major issue that should be fixed by a start parameter or .ini file. However, when you tried to join "Wolfpark" it was still running because I turned off the 24h restart. I do that manually for my 2 other servers now. Since there is ONE GUY ... ONE FUCKING SAME GUY e-v-e-r-y d-a-y ... that destroys everything (and that to almost the same time every day btw) and yells Heil Hitler and What body parts of others should enter some particular body party of me ... I did not restart Wolfpark at all, sorry.
  9. Hi community, for month now I have been hosting a server for my private group of friends (Hanserunde). Two days ago then I started "Wolfpark" a -So-I-thought Free-4-All Permanent Server. Like Babylon 5 in season 3 ... IT FAILED. Some assholes griefed, others yelled "Heil Hitler" and the rest kept to himself, forbate others to interact coasters and I got annoyed an do not know how long I keep it up. But something else came up: I realized that ... WHEN people were building they all built ... like ... "I take 25x40 squares and construct a compact coaster on it. Then I fill every free spot with scenery and want to be encouraged how gorgeous it looks about it". ...And I thought ... DAFUQ?! I hosted this so we can build a Park ... like ... together. Knot all the steel and wood that we can find ... build themed landscapes, keep the visitors happy ... just ... BUILD A THEME PARK LIKE THE GAME's BEEN CODED FOR .... .. .. ..... ... .... --> TOGHETER <-- But they all seemed to be happy building in their own spots and forbidding others to mix up anything An I think this is not it. Build a park, mix things up on purpose, shaoe the landscape! So I ask for all of you ... who else thinks the same? For all who do, I am willing to offer a server. A map to be crative. Let's make this a long-time, mixed-up park. Interweave. To Terraforming. Care for the park, not your own coaster alone. If you know my servers, there'll be 5 Min save intervals, 999 kept savegames, TeamSpeak if you like and an active administrator and alot of fun ^^ If you wanna be a part of it, reply here, send me a quick mail message to [email protected] or ask me live on the servername "Free4(All)_Build-a-Park" server. Fater all, we need to meet ingame. Looking forward to have some serious guests here PS. Only cheat enabled will be "Deactivate Vandalism" - as often as I can. Since the server need tom be restarted every 23 hours (due to a new ISP IP), this cheat needs to be turned on manually ever day!
  10. so no chance it might be possible?
  11. Dear community, I am hosting a server for some weeks now but I have one problem: When I keep running my server overnight, no one can connect to my server when I get a new IP adress from my provider. I am promoting my server in the list and is STILL shows up but connection is not possible. No problem, since I know my new IP comes every day 5am, I simply created a chronjob to stop / start my server at 6am every day. But when I do so, the cheat "Deactivate Vandalism" is off. It seems not to care how often I activate and save it. Is there a way to save it permanently or start the server with this particular cheat enabled? RIght now I use openrct2.exe host savegams.sv6 --headless and so on. Is there maybe a parameter for cheats?
  12. Why does it occur then when I host it with WINE? I mean then it IS a windows .exe hosting the game afaik
  13. Some weird addition. When I host it using Wine (I thought it might be the ultimate workaround) then I get the same: The Network Version is not shown to the client. When I try to join I get to 63KB than I am thrown out.
  14. Hi folks, I am trying to host a game on my Lubuntu 15.10. I had to install a bunch of libraries even after following the install instructions but I think something still isnt right: When I host a multiplayer game, any client does see it as this dark red marked game: Network version: *none shown* The console says while hosting: Error .../TcpSocket.cpp:148 (Listen)]: IPV6_ONLY failed .92 Ready for Clients... ALSO lib pcm.c:7905:snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred Can please anyone help? When I host the came with Windows, my Linux can join as a client. I assume it has something to do with missing or wring libraries? The documentation about what Libs I need and how I install them is ... not complete so say the least. Plus I am a Windows Administrator, I need step-by-step-howtos if it comes to Linux
  15. Can be closed. Due to the progress I made, I will re-open a new thread
  16. Hi, I do not understand a word that this site says, sorry. The application now keeps running (I updated to the latest build again) but I can not host a game with my Linux PC Error .../TcpSocket.cpp:148 (Listen)]: IPV6_ONLY failed .92 Ready for Clients... ALSO lib pcm.c:7905:snd_pcm_recover) underrun occurred CAn please anyone help? When I host the came with Windows, the Linux can join as a client.
  17. Hi Board, I recetnly shut down my Windows Server and now want to continue my OpenRCT2 Server on my lubuntu 15.10. I loaded the package from the website, unpacked, made openrct2 executable and ran it with ./openrct2 First it was missing a lot of libraries, but then I found a link that offered all apt-get commands to load all required. Unfortunately one last was still missing and I found a second list of apt-get commands. (Yes, sorry, right now I cannot find the EXACT links, I will offer them later) Hooray, the game starts. But when I create a new (or load an old) multiplayer game it crashes right after starting the session. The following errors occur: ERROR[/home/travis/build/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/src/openrct2.c:557 (openrct2_setup_rct2_segment)]: At least one of required pages was not found in memory. This can cause segfaults later on. ERROR[/home/travis/build/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/src/scenario_list.c:346 (scenario_scores_legacy_load)]: Invalid header in legacy scenario scores file. ERROR[/home/travis/build/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/src/network/network.cpp:292 (BeginServer)]: IPV6_V6ONLY failed. 92 Ready for clients... *** stack smashing detected ***: ./openrct2 terminated Abgebrochen (Speicherabzug geschrieben) Could anyone make something out of it? I am a windows admin and have my troubles with linux, so I might need some "how exactly do I do that" steps if I shall provide protocols or change some settings. I updated OpenRCT2 twice now, right now I am using the most recent version OpenRCT2- Thanks in advance The Wolf
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