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Everything posted by LReyome254

  1. I notice a lot more rain in OpenRCT2 then the original RCT1 or 2. This is really annoying especially with the RCT1 scenario remakes since whoever created them also chose "free gate, charge for rides" on all of them except one that I have played so far, and I just failed Crumbly Woods tonight (My 3rd scenario failure in a row, never happened before. I still think whoever made these made them harder intentionally). Also, is the RCT1 scenario option to charge for both going to return eventually?
  2. "Build tools" meaning land, paths, etc..... Even placing staff gets affected. I will try the latest dev build, but not on-stream, because another friend of mine tried using the Explode option and the game crashed, he may have been using the dev build
  3. Just what the title says. It happens after 40-45 minutes of gameplay. It is really a pain when I am streaming a scenario and I suddenly have to go back to the menu to get my tools to work again. I am using the latest stable build on Windows 10 64-Bit, disabled DPI scaling in the Compatibility window. CPU: Intel i5-6400 @ 2.70Ghz QC, Chipset: Skylake , 8GB RAM (DDR4), Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX 745 VRAM: 4GB DDR3, running in both 1600x900 and 1280x720 res, the 1280x720 is for streaming, and the 1600x900 is for regular play. My current options.ini file is attached config.ini
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