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Everything posted by qbbq

  1. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: qbbq Queue: TheMightyClem, Wuis, Jochem, Tune, Broxzier, giratyMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack, WobblyRails, imlegos That bike rental...
  2. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Queue: @TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier, Wuis , Jochem, Tune, imlegos, giraty, qbbqMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack Made some quick scenery edits on "Wrath of Amun-Ra". The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.16a.sv6
  3. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: Queue: @TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier, Wuis , Jochem, Tune, imlegos, giraty, qbbqMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, SpiffyJack Added "Wrath of Amun-Ra" Added Egyptian Theming I know Egyptian Theming isn't too popular in the theme poll but I saw a bunch of sand and thought, hey, Egypt. I may need to expand the queue line a bit. The OpenRCT2 Group Park 6.16.sv6
  4. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    @SpiffyJack Well then... I suppose my plans for a roller coaster going up and down, between and under the rail tracks will have to wait. What about something like a Grand Central Station? Not that I have the skill to build that though...
  5. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    Claimed: qbbqQueue: TheMightyClem, WobblyRails, Broxzier, Wuis , Jochem, Tune, imlegos, giratyMissed: jensj12, RedScope53, Cascadia, @SpiffyJack
  6. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    @SpiffyJack Jump right in. I'll claim it after you're done.
  7. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    @Broxzier Object selection window? Sorry... it's been a long time since I've played. Need a bit of a refresher for certain things.
  8. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    Thanks @imlegos and @Broxzier! Glad to be back! I just looked at the latest save file. I know we're doing base game only and no CC but why are there so few available ride types? I remember Group Park 2 had way more.
  9. qbbq

    Group Park 6

    May I join the fun as well?
  10. qbbq

    Group Park 3

    Greetings again. I would like to participate please? I will mostly be claiming on Sunday and/or one weekday.
  11. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: -Next In Line: @xbalogan, Broxzier, WuisMissed Turn: Enner, Philmon11, imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Squab, Przemek, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq Hey there. I have too much on my plate right now so I cannot afford to spend time on this project. Sorry! I added myself to the end of the list.
  12. qbbq

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    Oh I certainly don't mean copying the design of a specific park but rather, using their layouts as inspiration for our own park.
  13. qbbq

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    Ok, so we need a plan. Let's base our park off of a real world park. I always found Canada's Wonderland near Toronto, Ontario, Canada to be a well designed park. Right past the entrance is a long water feature with shops on either side leading up to a giant mountain. A circular pathway goes around the mountain and paths lead out from the circle to different zones of the park (kiddie area, water park, adventure land, etc). NOTE: The blue/green giga coaster, Leviathan, going out of the "park boundaries" and past the entrance is the newest large addition to the park. I've been on the ride myself and I love it. However, I'm not a big fan of the ride placement as it seems very squished in.
  14. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    The problem with increasing the size of a patrol area is finding which handymen is handling which area. And there seem to be over 100 handymen, most of which are patrolling areas. Side note: How do you create sloped/angled-downwards fences/walls in mid-air? There is a bridge used by the tram track (Original Round err... something) at Nitro's first drop that has wooden fences lining the track, some of them are sloping downwards as if follwing they are sloping of the track.
  15. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    I created "Gold Rush", a mine-themed go kart track that loops around a small lake. Next turn I might theme it some more with a custom built saloon and general store. Right now, I'm just too tired. I also modified Nitro to be more compact and set a maximum wait time so riders will not have to wait too long on the brake runs. As a result, I've lowered all 3 ride stats but it is still has very high excitement. Go figure. We are above 500 park rating with over 3,000 guests. The park has gotten to such a size that I'm now at a loss as to how to fix it. EDIT: We have too many handymen who are doing patrolled areas and not enough handymen to freely roam the park's new areas. Is there a way to "un-patrol" all handymen patrol areas? Note: I did not modify the handymen in any way. This was just an observation. Next In Line: @imlegos, UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Squab, Przemek, Broxzier,WobblyRails, Racey, qbbqMissed Turn: Philmon11 , Enner, Xbalogan File: Community Park V2.80.sv6
  16. qbbq

    Group Park 2

  17. qbbq

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    For the workbench, I suggested using Arjan van l's NECDC Bench v1.1. However, @jensj12 does not recommend using custom scenery as it can cause stability issues. I noticed a checkbox in the options under miscellaneous labelled "Export plug-in object with saved games". Would this help us? How stable is it?
  18. qbbq

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    Great! We got a few people interested in the project. Now how do we begin?
  19. qbbq

    Rapid Group Park no.1

    I would like to participate. How much realism are we going for? As @Squab has mentioned earlier, we will need custom content to increase build quality, variety and realism. If we are doing that, may I suggest Arjan van l's NECDC Bench? It has those A-frame hyper coaster supports that I really like among other things. Fluxtrance uses it in his newest series using OpenRCT2 on his Youtube channel. EDIT: Also how does custom content work with this pass-and-play style that we are doing? EDIT 2: I think the timer system is a bit clumsy. Updating and maintaining the numbers might be messy. I assume this timer system is based on the "Posted X hours ago" right? And since new people can join the participant list at any time, the timer will change. Could we make the timer a constant instead? Is 6 hours a good constant?
  20. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: --Next In Line: @UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbq, imlegosMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan File (posted by imlegos): Community Park V2.71.sv6
  21. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    Breaking news: Two trains collided creating a massive fireball aboard Typhoon, the recently built mini hyper coaster, killing 4 people. In other news, NITRO, a massive hyper coaster, was constructed along the yet-to-be-named river boardwalk. It seems to be a crowd favourite but yet many others cannot find the new ride. Claimed: --Next In Line: @imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, Racey, qbbqMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan File: Community Park V2.70.sv6
  22. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    Claimed: qbbqNext In Line: imlegos , UTMAN, jensj12, Wuis, Philmon, Squab, przemek, Broxzier, WobblyRails, RaceyMissed Turn: Enner, Xbalogan
  23. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    @jensj12 I've been queueing for Group Park 2 for ages!
  24. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    There are some broken rides which the mechanics cannot fix (probably some weird pathing glitches): Carousel --> Remove footpath underneath exit. Project Frozen Eggplant --> I don't know why. The mechanics seem to ignore the exit. Per Views --> Mechanic can't reach ride exit because they don't want to go the long way around the lake. Extend underground/lake pathway.
  25. qbbq

    Group Park 2

    Thanks Wuis! One million Euros... well if that's what it takes to join, sure. //pulls out credit card
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