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Everything posted by enner

  1. enner

    My wip, Hunters End.

    So I finally got round to finishing my park, including changing the name to Hunter Lakes. Hunter Lakes Amusement Park.SV6
  2. enner

    Group Park 2

    .....Or just leave the coaster standing because I was gonna build some more rides on the inside of it on my next go if you prefer.
  3. enner

    Group Park 2

    Hey guys, just nuke what I made, I'm cool with that as I broke the rules. I'm gonna be too busy with work stuff for the next few days to do any building anyway so best to just let Wobbly carry on with his turn.
  4. enner

    Group Park 2

    If you want did'nt realise you had so may different rules. If I could make a sugestion then, how about editing the very first post with a simple dos and don'ts list so that new players don't have to trawl through 18 pages to find out. I genuinly had no idea about these different rules and if they were mentioned in the first post I wouldn't have made any mistakes.
  5. enner

    Group Park 2

    Damn, I can't do anything right! I'm not angry with myself, just disapointed. I imported the save and just overwrote it each time I saved, didn't realise I had to update the numbers but again, duly noted.
  6. enner

    Group Park 2

    oops, sorry. didn't realise I had to but duly noted.
  7. enner

    Group Park 2

    I'm done. First task was to level out the ground underneath all the water as it was a bit haphazard. Second was to figure out why the park rating was falling so quickly, took me ages to find a missing path piece which was underground trapping peeps at the exit of a ride. Then I joined the high water with the low water by building a waterfall, put in some foliage etc to link it together etc. Built a new Giga coaster, Whiplash. Gotta say though I found it a real challenge trying to build with just the basic deafault pieces (genuinly the first time i've tried it), especially no corner roof pieces or a support blocker but enjoyed it none the less. If we do another community build I would be more than happy to put together a map and building set of default and custom pieces that give more building options if anyones interested. community park v2.51.sv6
  8. enner

    Group Park 2

    Claiming it, do I get it for 48 hours?
  9. @Wuis, yeah thats exactly what it was, it was built in to the natural slope of a hill. It wasn't really a coaster if I'm honest but it was great fun.
  10. 1=.The Pepsi Big One - Blackpool Pleasure Beach, UK. 1=. Nemesis - Alton Towers, UK. best hangover cure I know of. 3.Shockwave - Drayton Manor, UK. went here at the very end of the season, there were only about 50 people in the whole park all day. Me and my mate were the only 2 people on the ride and when we came into the station there was nobody else waiting so they sent us round again. could of ridden it all day if we wanted. 4. The Cobra - West Midlands Safari Park, UK. Used to go here all the time as I grew up right by the park, must have ridden it a 100 times easy, It's gone now unfortunately. (the ride, not the park) 5.bobsleigh Ride? - Oakwood Adventure Park, Wales, UK. This thing was LETHAL, I'd be surprised if it's still legally allowed. You sat in an improvised bobsled/kart and got fired down a twisty steel halfpipe style track controlling all the brakes yourself! I nearly killed my sister (who had stupidly gone before me) on this ride, she was standing up after she had finished and I forgot to brake and ploughed straight through her, good times!
  11. Thanks Utman, that idea worked completely. I've been playing the game without using the launcher so must of been using an old build instead of an up to date one. Cheers.
  12. No problem, there is a ton of custom scenery/rides in it so if you need any files which don't export uploaded individually just ley me know which ones. Hunters End.sv6
  13. enner

    My wip, Hunters End.

    Hi Wobbly and thanks. is the best place for any custom content, just download some of the parks from there and it will automatically load any custom pieces when you open it. (I have a file with about 7000 custom pieces that I've downloaded from various sites if theres anything specific you are looking for.) Also it's worth checking out Amazing Earls site ( for his superb custom rides. Getting closer to finishing now. heres my new coaster, Launhpad
  14. Does anybody know a solution or have any suggestions to fix this problem? (see screenshot) Peeps keep logjammed trying to find the park exit which is literally on the other side of the park. (I'm not sure if it's a bug but I've never had this problem to anywhere near this extent when playing the original game) I've tried making the maps free in the info kiosks with no joy and then giving all guests a map. I've tried picking them up individually and dropping them by the exit but they just head back to here. I've tried giving them full energy but they just do the same thing, only faster. I've tried deleting the path but they just congregate on the next path over. I've tried building an underground path from there to the exit but they just ignore it. I've tried drowning the little ****ers which does solve the problem but kind of defeats the purpose and drags my park rating down even quicker. Any suggestions would be welcomed. By the way to any devs reading this, you are doing an amazing job with Openrct and it's very much appreciated.
  15. enner

    Group Park 2

    This looks great. Is it too late for me to join?
  16. enner

    My wip, Hunters End.

    cheers guys, Yeah it's all custom content. To get the curved lines you need the GW road set (all the dats start with the code GWRD and can be downloaded from nedesigns park objects tab) but especially the 2 pieces with the path attatched (gwrdrc16.dat andgwrdlc16.dat.) Once you have these pieces it's easy.
  17. Hi guys, new member. I'm about half way through building, hopefully be ready for release in a few weeks if I get the time. Would also love to get involved in a multiplayer build if anyones intersted.
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