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Everything posted by GingerAdonis

  1. Posts can be properly edited now.
  2. The original .net site didn't look that great in my opinion. Some people really love the retro RCT look. It does fit in some situations in my opinion, but now for a whole website.
  3. Yes. It'll be like that until the new site has been finished. Which'll take a while. What are you referring to?
  4. OpenRCT2 0.0.3 released yesterday and is available for download. Develop builds will continue with version 0.0.4. Grab the stable download from here or get the OpenRCT2 Launcher for automatic updates. New feature: Adding extra title sequences. Title sequences can be edited in-game. Uncapped FPS. Ride selection in the Editor can now be sorted on track type or vehicle type. Load/save window can be sorted on date. Sandbox now a menu toggle. Improved ability to disable clearance checks via menu toggle. Added ability to disable support limits via menu toggle. Cheat to clear the crash record of each ride. Cheat to set all rides to 10 minute inspections. Cheats for guest parameters like hunger, energy, nausea etc. Cheats for park parameters like guest generation, loan settings and switching to and from not using money. Cheats for showing vehicles from other track types and enabling all operating modes. Clear Scenery can now be used for sizes up to 64x64. The mountain tool can now be used for sizes up to 64x64. Built-in load/save window is now used for converting saved games to scenarios. Cooperative multiplayer (has some game-breaking bugs). Native Linux support. Console commands for fixing 'Name already in use' and banner count errors. Scenario and object descriptions are now translatable. UI stays responsive in pause mode. Marketing campaign can now be run for up to 12 weeks. Day/night cycle. Added ability to save (over last file) as opposed to save as. Custom user data path specified by command line argument. Full UTF-8 language support. TTF font integration for non-Latin languages. Added support for Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Russian, Finnish and Brazilian Portuguese. Added South Korean Won and Russian Rouble as currencies. Allow different date formats. Option to automatically pause the game on minimise from fullscreen. Option to automatically pause when Steam overlay is activated. Option to display all scrolling text banners as upper case (RCT1 style) Option to mute audio when game is not focused. Option to automatically place staff after hire. Option to enable 'mow grass' by default for handymen (RCT1 style) Option to ignore invalid checksums on loaded parks. Option to scale game display for better compatibility with high DPI screens. Alteration: Autosave is now measured in real-time rather than in-game date. Hacked rides no longer have their reliability set to 0. Technical: DirectDraw, DirectInput, DirectPlay and DirectSound dependencies are no longer used. Removed: Six Flags branding and limitations. Infogrames disclaimer. Fixed: When placing a track, the preview will now use the same orientation as the ghost. Grouping vehicles by track type no longer interferes with research. Fix corrupt map elements when loading a game. Fix corrupt peep counter when loading a game. Parks created in the Scenario Editor now select the standard staff uniform colours by default. Launched TD4 rides will now always use the RCT1 launch mode (that doesn't pass the station) (original bug). Guests will no longer ignore no entry signs if the tile contains more than one fence (original bug). Right-clicking a piece of launched lift will no longer crash the game (original bug). Fix bugs in calculation of Heartline Twister and Launched Freefall ratings (original bugs). Map window now displays the usable map size, not the technical one (original bug). TD4 River Rapids will now have the correct seat colour (original bug). Message sound will no longer play in the editor modes (original bug). Scenarios created with the Scenario Editor will now have the correct initial temperature for their climate (original bug). Financial information can no longer be accessed from the rides/attractions menu in parks that don't use money (original bug). The path tool and tracked-ride construction tool no longer interfere with one another in certain situations (original bug). Building a flat ride partially out of park boundaries will no longer trigger a misleading "too high for supports" message (original bug). On-ride photos are now factored into the calculations of a ride's income and profit per hour (original bug).
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  5. Using multiple languages is a bit risky. The translations are provided by volunteers and might be outdated or will be outdated with the next forums update. Although I am interested in trying out 'Local forums'. So there would be a Dutch forum, German forum. etc. Thoughts on that? This topic is not under Feedback because the feedback forum is for OpenRCT2 only. Not this community. Will look into the other feedback asap.
  6. Removing the actual post count is fine with me. Hovering on someone's name will still show it. However, I'm against removing the ranks. Maybe remove the title of the ranks put keep the dots/pips? It's still a good indicator if someone is an active forums user or someone new.
  7. Making it depend on karma would require some modding. But I will look into it.
  8. Every user gets a rank assigned depending on the amount of posts they have. Do you guys have any recommendations for new titles? Newbie: 0 Apprentice: 10 Entrepeneur: 100 Tycoon to-be: 150 Tycoon: 250
  9. The forums have been moved from to will most likely become the official website and forums. A new website will be developed as well. - JarnoVgr
  10. All mentioned problems should've been fixed by now. @Gymnasiast I can't reproduce your bug. Where should I be looking at?
  11. These new forums have some minor quirks in terms of coloring and other stuff. Please report them here! Include your OS + Browser, and when needed instructions to reproduce the problem.
  12. Exactly. The forums will stay.
  13. The devs are still working on improving multiplayer support. So it's not just a problem on your side. As a workaround you can enable to stay connected when a desync occurs. It'll give some problems, but at least you won't get disconnected.
  14. Yes it's still used at this moment. However, the new website will be made from scratch. So changes to the current will only be in place for, hopefully, a few weeks.
  15. Before we start a new group park I want everyone's opinion on some things.Should we use expansion packs?What about custom scenery and rides?Custom ThemesScenario LayoutI'd like to hear the opinion on these of everyone who wants to join before we start. Rules: Cover a maximum area of 30x30 land tiles in one turn. You are allowed to shape this to your likes. An area of 15x60 for example is perfectly fine. Raise the land that you are building on. There should always be enough space to have an underground path, to allow for solving unexpected pathing issues. Anyone is allowed to make minor changes to other people's content, while keeping the overall theme the same. This include, but are not limited to: Changing the height of the ground Improve scenery and footpaths Placing footpath additions Solving issues where guests get stuck Moving rides Moving or placing new shops and stalls Do not make major changes to other people's content without their approval. This includes, but is not limited to: Removing or replacing rides Removing or replacing detailed scenery (anything that has more than just empty walls and roofs) Changing the height of the land drastically Keep an eye on the news - solve any problems to keep the park rating high. Post at least one screenshot, the new saved game with increased version number, and the updated queue. Do not block any main paths directly, there should be an easy way to continue building a path for the people after you. Ideally continue any paths in the area so that people can easily extend it.
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