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Updating Classic RCT2 Disneyland Park


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I'm Ohiolandshark and I re-created Disneyland in Roller Coaster Tycoon 2 in about 2006. I had a website with pics and downloads. A lot of the Disneyland recreations online were based off my park layout and scenery grouping.

Original Below1306034981_DisneylandPark2019-01-1601-05-18.thumb.png.5edf38f8112ca2b2266d17886a8165dd.png

I would update them as changes happened in the park and had them ready for download online. You've probably seen screenshots of my parks somewhere before.

Original Train station below936119180_DisneylandPark2019-01-1013-48-11.thumb.png.ec75f0431d11c47da42fde31e9331782.png

I had lost the parks in 2010 (Hard Drive Crash) and didn't really have the time to recreate them. 

Original Park BelowDisneyland_Park_2019-01-10_13-48-00.thumb.png.bdcea324c9639996c8247d210355eb59.png

Well, a fan reached out to me not long ago and sent me my original park files! I have begun reworking Disneyland to be even more accurate than the original parks were. I'll share updates as they  come along.

My website





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