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Everything posted by grscott8

  1. It woooooorked, thanks!!! Someone might want to add the file renaming step to the guide!
  2. I extracted the .exe with Extractor, and it created all of these folders, which are all empty. What should I do with the .bin? Extractor can't open it
  3. Thanks! But it does not say what to do with the .bin file. Extractor prevents me from selecting it, it doesn't unzip, and OpenRCT2 can't find the right path even after putting the .bin in the "app" folder. All the folders extracted from the .exe are empty, like their contents is in the .bin.
  4. I followed the steps in this 2022 YouTube video to install the game on Mac, and it requires buying the game on GoG. I did, but they now have an updated version split into two files (see attached screenshot). Does anyone who used this method still have the original file named: setup_rollercoaster_tycoon_2_triple_thrill_pack_2.01.043(17987).exe and could share it via Drive? Thanks a lot!
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