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Everything posted by lisanne

  1. I made it without cheating!! Thanks for all the friendly help
  2. I think this can work! Unfortunately I have to pay again for the app because i have to upgrade it with the toolkit. I'm gonna think about it. Thanks for all your time!
  3. Im gonna try!
  4. I play the classic version on the phone so I guess it works different
  5. Thanks!! Is it at the 'options' when you click right under where you can also pause the game? Because I can't find it
  6. Thanks for all your support so far! Unfortunately I tried everything but I'm just not able to fix the coasters. I'm searching now for cheats to skip a park. If anyone has screenshots of their rollercoasters of dragons cove and wanting to share it that would be nice. I'm gonna try to copy them perfectly
  7. This is the part under the ground. Difficult to make a clear picture. The chainlift I removed partly, one part I had to leave because the train didn't make it otherwise. Unfotunately it doesn't change anything in the excitement rating
  8. I just started over and build it again.ade the most boring coaster ever but its almost good! Any feedback? Everytime I adapt it it gets worse
  9. Still hoping for that moment.. It's so frustrating spending the whole evening for 1 rollercoaster and then it's still not good
  10. I tried but I really don't make it. 2 rollercoasters are good, the other 3 no. I really don't enjoy building rollercoasters so if there is a cheat to skip this park please let me know 😅 I add screenshots here. Unfortunately I can't make them more clear but you might see some mistakes already like this
  11. Funny, I'm watching this now and I'm thinking the speaker is Dutch. Coincidence
  12. yes, sorry, I should have gone back to English. I said that also in Dutch I have no clue what those 'G-powers' mean. So the problem wasn't even the language appearantly. But he/she said that it might be that the rollercoaster goes too fast in corners so that's also something that I'm gonna check. So it's still not solved but as soon as I have time I'm gonna try all the suggestions here. If I still can't make it I'll send screenshots
  13. Dankje! Ook G-kracht zegt me niets in het Nederlands dus waarschijnlijk lag het niet eens aan de taal😅 De bochten schuin leggen had ik inderdaad begrepen, dit heb ik aangepast en werkte bij 1 van de achtbanen heel goed. Te hard door een bocht ga ik nog even checken en nog puzzelen met de andere tips. Ik zal dan ook screenshots plaatsen als ik er niet uit kom. Bedankt voor je reactie weer!
  14. Hi! Thanks for the friendly messages! Mostly I don't have problems understanding English, it's just those specific terms. What does the G. stand for for example? The YouTube video is a good idea, I will watch it soon. I'll also post a screenshot of the rollercoasters. I speak Dutch so if you're Dutch that would be handy😁
  15. Hi everyone, I'm playing rollercoaster tycoon classic on my phone and keep getting stuck at the excitement rating being too low. I see max. Lateral G. Is written red. Ofcourse I tried finding tips online but so far it still didn't work. I read about lateral G. But I still have no clue what it litteraly means. Can someone explain it in a very easy way? English is not my language, I speak it but those terms I've never heard of. Thanks in advance!
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