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Everything posted by LivingBread

  1. I still have to think about which discord server, and a way to formalize the story so people can get caught up on the history of the park. 1996. 1996 starts off with a grand addition, The Outer Limits: Flight of Fear. There is nothing wrong with your roller coaster, do not attempt to adjust your restraint, we are now controlling the intermission... Flight of Fear is a roller coaster that launches you from 0-60mph using state-of-the-art linear-induction motors to launch you at such speeds. What is hiding in Area 51? Are you brave enough to dive into The Outer Limits? The entrance plaza is located awkwardly in front of Smurf Mountain, which both don't quite fit the Medieval Land theme at all. Riders await their flight ominously. Inside the building is a mess of track! Elsewhere in the park, today saw some of the busiest queues the park has ever seen. Starting with Excalibur, in spite of a wave of new drop towers, this one seems to still get quite the crowd. In spite of crowd issues, Grizzly Run's riders dwindle by the minute. Old Timers is one of the original attractions of Kings Emporium. It's great to see people still enjoying it. These poor riders just got doused. Don't ride Log Jammer at night, a fair warning. Coal Miner is known to give great night rides. Some people say that it is better than Grizzly Run at night. Nearby, Top Gun is carrying a group of anxious riders. As it does that, these miserable people are waiting about 1 hour for Congo Falls. Not worth it. Next door, Mamba Mountain carries a group of riders to the top of it's lifthill. A lot of work has been done to the ride over the off season, hopefully the maintenance is better this year. Some people brave walking through Splat City at night. Good luck drying off, folks As the GAPatriot reminds us that even original rides can have long lines. Scooby Doo seconds that! Our last shot is of Action Theater. The line hasn't gotten smaller it seems. We end with the park map for 1996 Paramount's Kings Emporium 1996
  2. December has been a wild month, but I'm back with another update. 1995 Paramount has done it again with another update. Introducing Splat City! Nickelodeon has officially been introduced into the park, complete with a new amphitheater playing Nickelodeon Mega Mess-A-Mania, a show with green slime and more. It's nicely tucked behind Vortex, and Scooby Doo. I'm shocked they were able to fit the show in such a small space. Vortex has a new queue entrance. Hopefully this helps attract more riders. The carousel next door had quite the wait. Action Theater continues to be a busy attraction. This line looks miserable. With Nickelodeon added in the mix, I'm happy to say that Hana-Barbara is going strong. Especially Scooby Doo's Ghoaster Coaster and while Smurf Mountain is not in this land, the ride itself is situating in nicely. Nickelodeon has also added a water play area called Splat City. While the colors are very vibrant, it is nice to have some stuff for the kids to play with. To end the day, we end on TGA Patriot as it rises backwards into the night. Here is the park map of 1995 1995 download link
  3. ohno, damn. It was nice to see your parks, and receive your feedback. We'll definitely cross paths in the future. I'll continue to upload the park downloads on discord. It looks like this could be the last post on this forum. 1994 1994 brings the introduction of Action Theater, currently playing a movie themed to The Living Daylights. This replaces The Holiday Cinemas. Wildebeast is gifted a color change. While I enjoyed the older colors, these do pop more. An upgrade has been gifted to Wildfire. A new audio before the plunge where a firefighter shouts "Fire in the Hole" has been rerecorded, and water/fire effects have been restored. While the new water effects are fun, beware, the water went straight for my shoes. Elsewhere in the park, Top Gun speeds through the first drop. A 75 minute wait forms for Smurf Mountain... Night riders brave the waters of Log Jammer. While none brave the rapids... Grizzly Run thrills a few... Riders on The Prowler are lifted out of their seat... And the bravest riders just might be those on Mamba Mountain... Especially during this transition. And the riders on Patriot are still facing backwards... That concludes the 1994 park season, and while 1995 is in the process of being complete - that will probably be uploaded elsewhere. Before I post the download link, I just want to say that i've never ever completed a full park before and this has been a great experience. It is hard to believe there has been 15 seasons of this park already with such little room to expand. Here is 1994's download. Kings Emporium 1994
  4. 1993 The year is 1993, and it might just be the biggest year of Kings… er… I mean Paramount’s Kings Emporium. I was concerned by these changes as one particular theme I noticed with this new management is how they’re not attentive to the integrity of the themed land an attraction resides in. Regardless of this, I think these additions were great. The retirement of Tales of the Brothers Grimm boat ride is a sad one to process. A lot of people grew up with this ride, but it has now been repurposed into Smurf Mountain. As tacky as it is, being placed in Medieval Land, the theme is nice and the ride is great for families. The largest of the additions for this year is Top Gun. The first movie themed attraction to hit Paramount’s Kings Emporium, Top Gun will have you flipping, and soaring over the Emporium River, just the aerobatics in the movie. This roller coaster is designed by a new Swiss manufacturer B&M, and is a marvel of modern technology. Placed towards Adventureland, it looks like a new area has been made specifically for the attraction. The Prowler and Top Gun run alongside eachother. The roller coaster goes through both The Country Mills and Adventureland, but is considered to be in it's own area. The interaction between the monorail, the repainted Adventurebridge, and Top Gun is incredible. Also you can spot another addition here, the newly branded monorails. I do not know how I feel about those. While the lines for Top Gun were quite reasonable considering it's high capacity, similar things could not be said about Ruckblende. Canyon River Rapids is still my favorite of the water rides here, but that's a lot of empty boats. Log Jammer was a lot more crowded, and considering it was down for so much of last year- this year it seems to be running more consistently. Adventure Through Time is seeing popularity again after the upgrades it received last season. It's nice to see Paramount preserving the dark rides of the park. Wildebeast and Grizzly Run were quiet in the back of the park. I love Patriot backwards, but I find that it hard to brace for this turn specifically. Ouch! We end the day back at the front of the park. What a... er... unique color choice for these monorail trains. Paramount blue. Here is the download link for 1993. Paramount's Kings Emporium 1993 Download , and with that we end with the new park map. It is crazy to think how much this place has changed over time.
  5. 1992 - Kings Emporium 1992 welcomes Paramount to Kings Emporium. The title has not been converted yet, but a lot of changes have been made this season. The Holiday Cinemas has been retired, and the area around it has been cleared. Scooby Doo is now Scooby blue. This color is quite a contrast, but it does liven up the Hannah-Barbara land. Hanna-Barbera land has added theming, and has expanded slightly. I love the new look of Hanna-Barbera Cave. Stars have been added to the bridge on International Street. A blue and white flowerbed is also added to the front of International Street. New trains from Philadelphia Toboggan Co. has been added to Patriot. Patriot also goes backwards now. I'm not going to lie, this has really changed the entire ride for me. The Brothers Grimm Boat ride has been boarded up. I wonder what's happening. The water wheel for Log Jammer has been removed unfortunately. With all the maintenance issues with the turntable station, they're trying to reduce operation costs elsewhere it seems. Mamba Mountain sports a new green color screen. Word has it, vekoma has retracked certain sections of the coaster. Hopefully this means the ride runs better. Ruckblende is still quite popular. I did not ride it today. Lastly, Adventure Through Time has been completely updated, New effects and prop pieces have been installed. This has elevated the experience entirely. Lastly, here is the 1992 park map.
  6. 1991 After the introduction of The Bat at Canada's Wonderland, I knew it was probably a matter of time before we got one here at Kings Emporium. This season saw the introduction of Ruckblende, a Vekoma Boomerang. While the model is a clone, it is the first big attraction situated at International drive, and feels like a great fit for the park. As it is right by the entrance, crowds tend to go to this ride first. This is made worse by the fact that it can only run one train. Luckily, dispatches are quick enough that the queue isn't as long as it could be. The freefall sensation you get off of those two spikes are out of this world. This station is the least elevated station out of all the roller coasters at Kings Emporium. I hope they've got a good flood plan. It does look great at night. One of the original attractions at our park, Old Timers is still going strong.. These two are about to get it good on Canyon River Rapids. I hope they've brought a change of clothes. Log Jammer is my favorite of the water rides because unlike Canyon River Rapids, you won't get soaked on it. Unfortunately, the roundabout station has been causing the ride some problems. Due to this, it's only running at a limited capacity. I hope they'll be able to fix this soon. An almost empty train of riders on Coal Miner. I remember when this roller coaster was among the most thrilling in the park. Grizzly Run also thrills a small group of riders. The best part about Grizzly Run is the location. As it is tucked in the back of the park, it rarely sees a huge line. Vortex was shockingly busy today. I just know their knees feel like they're on fire here. And I end this update with the 1991 park map. And with that concludes the Kings Entertainment portion of this story. Starting 1992, Paramount will have ownership of Kings Dominion, Kings Emporium, Kings Island, Canada's Wonderland, Carowinds, and Great America. I hope they'll keep the charm of all these parks. Until the next update, I leave you all with the new logo. Kings Emporium 1991 download link
  7. Absoluely love the theme you did for the roller coaster. Very well done
  8. This sounds like it'll be fun. Will it be a time-period narrative? Or will it be in present time?
  9. Kings Emporium - 1990. This season has been a good season for Kings Emporium, while there wasn't a new roller coaster, there were a lot of changes. From the start, this ad has been everywhere around the Springfield area. On the brochure, there's a huge print of this poster for The Gauntlet, an intamin looping starship. Before we get to the new attraction, I started off the day pretty late. I arrived at 7:00pm as the park was open until 11pm today. My first stop was for a couple of rides on The Prowler. With the park as empty as it was, I was able to lap this about 5 times. From there, I went over to Vortex. In spite of the low crowds, dispatches still took around 5 minutes. These standups must be hard to seat check. The Grimm boat ride in Medieval Land has received some mild scenery and gardening. The ride is less popular than it once was. As it became dark, I thought it would be a good idea to head over to The Gauntlet. The Gauntlet replaces the Wild West Theater in The Country Mills. While it is sad to see an 11-year old attraction go, it does give us a good new ride, and a smoother pathway to Coal Miner. It is a win in my book. I could only do The Gauntlet once so I headed over to Coal Miner for some night rides. The Gauntlet interacts nicely with it. One thing I did notice was a remnant of the old maintenance path leading to the Wild West yard. After Coal Miner, it was time for some of those famous night rides on Grizzly Run. We were flying through those turns. And what else produces great night rides? The Prowler. But on the way there, I had to take a night shot of The Adventure Bridge. What a sight. The Prowler has one of the slowest lift hills ever. What a way to build anticipation. These people riding Cobra Falls were crazy. They'll definitely be soaked for the rest of the night. While I'm in Adventure Island, it was time for a night ride on Mamba Mountain. This ride is so dark through those trees, it is hard to brace yourself for some of those transitions. That being said, I enjoyed the almost empty train. While I made my way over to Great American Patriot, I passed The Berserker and wondered if The Gauntlet overshadows it. I've come to the conclusion that while The Gauntlet is great, that's a thrill ride, and this is a family ride. As an original ride for Kings Emporium, I hope it stays for a long time. Beside it is the last remaining theater in Kings Emporium after the removal of the Wild West Theater. Maybe this will change in the future? Onto Great American Patriot. It was running quite well! It's hard to believe at one point that this roller coaster was the king of the park. We finish this update with a photo from International Street with an updated park map. Until next time! Kings Emporium 1990 park download
  10. (I didn't have enough time to commit to this fully as i've been booked by two jobs, but still wanted to share.) Today was a chill October day at the park. While I'd usually spend it at home, I heard on the radio about an October event called Kings Spookyporium. It was a slow day, but I did go on the first Friday. There were only two haunted houses with this event, the best one by far was Jack's House which was set up in a temporary tent at the end of International street. I don't know who Jack is, but I think he needs to renovate his mansion. There were tons of cobwebs, skulls, and monsters. The other decorated area was The Country Mills. Here the best addition was the retheme of Wildfire as Ghostfire. i loved the hanging lights near Coal Miner. And the last haunted house was Vampire Mine, something about vampires and zombies taking up in the Country Mill cemetery. This was set up temporarily in the old Wild West Theater. That concludes my visit to the Kings Spookyemporium event. Kings Emporium 1989, Halloween
  11. (sorry for the wait. October has been a really busy month for me) Today is an important day for Kings Emporium with the introduction of the tallest coaster in the park, The Prowler. At 15 stories tall, this roller coaster might look like a wooden beast, but it’s a steel roller coaster with wooden supports. Brave the near misses, airtime, and laterals of The Prowler. Right as we opened, I noticed the line for Prowler already picking up. Today is going to be a busy day. You really get great views of Coal Miner from the top of the lift. The interaction between Coal Miner brings a new sensation to The Prowler. Also that airtime hill had me flying out of my seat. This turn has to be the most intense part of the ride. You really get jolted and pinned to the sides of the seat. They were using two of the three trains today even though personally, I think they should've used all three. The Prowler really dwarfs Congo Falls As you can see, The Prowler has made Mamba Mountain a walk on. Grizzly Run also had short waits. Also in the Country Mills, Log Jammer continues to thrill riders. This season it has had to reduce the amount of boats on the track due to mechanical issues. Wildebeast had a steady flow of people, but mostly was a walk-on throughout the day. Excaliber had the shortest wait i've seen since it has opened. The shortest wait of today had to be The Vortex. This ride generally doesn't attract much people, but I still enjoy it. The Great American Patriot had a steady flow of riders. The ride has gotten a little rougher, but it is still a classic. On International Street, lights have been added. Here is the 1989 park map to conclude the season 1989
  12. (Sorry for the long wait y'all. Appreciate the support, I just went on vacation which had no internet access. Hope you guys will enjoy the update) New for 1988: Grizzly Run - A roller coaster designed by Curtis D Summers, and built by the Dinn Corporation. Race through the trees alongside a mess of twisted wooden track, Splinter through the breeze on the wildest beast in Springfield July - 1988 Today was this Summer’s busiest day so far. Most of our coasters have queues of at least an hour-long. Our new roller coaster Grizzly Run had a 75 minute wait for me when I first arrived. I never saw it go less than that. To make way for the new roller coaster, Kings Emporium had to redesign, reconstruct, and reprofile portions of the Exporail. The area for The Country Mills was also expanded. It is a tight fight, but the close interactions with Wildebeast are exhilarating. Tons of near misses. Word on the street is that night rides on Grizzly Run are top class, and at night this is the best ride in the park. The best part are the sharp turns in the woods. You really feel like you're flying. My friends and I avoided Excaliber today. The ride is always awesome, but the queue looked unbearable. We opted for multiple rides on Wildebeast instead. This ride’s wait was never over 15 minutes, a perfect ride to marathon. Onto our other roller coaster, The Great American Patriot, it is still one of the best coasters in the park, While this roller coaster focuses on drawn out airtime with it’s double out and back layout, Grizzly Run focuses on laterals intertwined with airtime moments. Elsewhere in American Grove, Vortex has a reasonable wait. Some people complain about standing up, but I don’t mind the experience. Something about speeding over those airtime hills while being upright is such a unique sensation. Scooby Doo is another ride you can walk right on these days, but don’t judge a book by it’s cover. This kiddie roller coaster packs a punch. We went back over to The Country Mills after some fun in The Grove. Coal Miner is still just as popular as it was when it opened. You’d think that with the addition of Grizzly Run to The Country Mills, that it’d eat up the crowds for other attractions in the area… but nope. That is unless you’re willing to ride the other family roller coaster/dark-ride hybrid, Wildfire. This classic was a walk on all day, and it’s still just as good as ever. I’ve never had to wait over 10 minutes to ride this ride, and the finale is amazing! We cooled off on Canyon River Rapids as this wait is always manageable. It has the perk of being tucked in a corner of the park that Log Jammer lacks. While Canyon River Rapids and Diamond Falls are quick ways to cool off, you’ll have to face a long line if you want to enjoy Congo Falls and Log Jammer. Both rides had long waits all day. Example A: Log Jammer. A solid forty-five minute wait. Example B: Cobra Falls. Mamba Mountain also had an extremely long wait today, but I braved the 75 minute patience test for one of the best rides at this park. The tunnel is my favorite part. No matter how great the capacity is for this Arrow monster, you’re going to wait a pretty long time. Adventure Through Time on the other hand was sending out empty boats. We end this busy day back on International Drive. Grizzly Run has brought a lot of popularity to this small midwestern park. With the park growing I wonder what is in store for 1989. Kings Emporium 1988
  13. May 1987 Introducing Congo Falls. A pair of thrilling waterslides. Twist through the amazon or plummet 45 feet straight down, you choose the thrill. I approached the new attraction. It is a waterslide you ride with clothes on. Weird. The ride itself was fun. If you're not careful on the straight down one, you'll wipe out at the bottom. I was lucky to stay dry. I was also lucky to beat the crowd because this 90 minute wait looked like this all day. Except for in the morning. I was able to snag a walk-on ride on both sides. I found the Twister side to be a lot more fun. I could also appreciate how the ride interacts with Mamba Mountain. This new area really opens Adventure Island. Diamond Falls is still going strong. This park really has a great water ride line up. After only one year, Shockwave is repainted to this new color scheme. I think it fits better with the area, and compliments The American Grove better than the garish new wave of the green and blue. Excaliber, Shockwave, Patriot, and Wildebeast in one photo. This park is starting to feel huge. Another shot of American Patriot. I love this roller coaster. Is it still the king of the park? It's hard to tell anymore. Coal Miner remains to be a classic attraction through the mines of The Country Mills. Canyon River Rapids could be the most underrated way to cool off. Why wait 90 minutes for a slide when you can walk onto this wild river. We end 1987 with this park map. I wonder here the park will expand to next. 1987 Download
  14. 1986 Today was an interesting day for the park. I heard about a roller coaster opening this year through a radio station, something about standing up to fear? Introducing Vortex, the newest addition to Kings Emporium. Replacing the Schwarzkopf Bayern-Kurve is the tallest stand-up roller coaster in North America at 105ft tall. I'm not going to lie, this ride was terrifying. Something about feeling those Gs when you're standing up is out of control. The roller coaster comes from a Japanese company named Togo. The stairs leading up to the entrance is also wild. This ride is a workout to get to, but it is totally worth it! Now the sightlines from Medieval Land might look a little different now, but I must say - I enjoy the interaction with The Great American Patriot. The ride also interacts well with the Scooby Doo roller coaster. From Excaliber, you get great views of both Vortex and Wildbeast. Both attractions are still going strong as they anchor Medieval Land. Over in Adventure Island, Mamba Mountain does a corkscrew right in front of Diamond Falls. The building and structure of Diamond Falls can be seen from International street. The biggest change this season in Adventure Island is the introduction to two new water elements on Adventure Through Time. A whirlpool and some fountains. The best part of Kings Emporium is the preservation of their dark rides. Speaking of, Wildfire is still going strong. This roller coaster darkride combo opened with the park, and the finale still makes my stomach drop. It's funny that you can still see remnants of the old Whip ride in the graveyard. Coal Miner and Canyon River Rapids entertain guests in the distance. The most impressive part about the finale is the laterals on the turn into the drop. You really get slammed into the side of your seat while simultaneously getting thrown out of it. Fire in the hole! We finish this update with the map of 1986. The park is starting to feel a lot bigger than it was when I first started coming here. 1986 park download
  15. Thanks for the ranking! My favorite is The Great American Patriot. Kings Emporium does currently classify "Wildfire" as a roller coaster, even though I'd personally classify that as a dark ride. July - 1985 We start this season with a teaser. This teaser has been advertised throughout the area. Funny thing is, a similar one has been advertised near Doswell for our sister-park. What is Diamond Falls? I guess its' time to find out. Kings Dominion and Kings Emporium both debut a new-type of water ride attraction. Diamond Falls plummets guests down a 50 foot waterfall. At Kings Emporium, the mystery atop the waterfall challenges those who dare take the plunge. I'm not going to lie, this ride might be marketed as a "family-ride", but the double down is the scariest moment of air-time I've ever experienced on a ride. I felt like I was going to get launched out of my seat! Currently it feels like Kings Emporium might be a contender for "Park with the best water ride collection". With Canyon Rapids, Log Jammer, and now Diamond Falls - you have a lot of options to cool off in the Illinois heat. "Woodstock Express" is renamed to Scooby-Doo's Ghoster Coaster. This has also come with a new paint job. I personally like the update, even if it isn't as vibrant as it once was. Rumor has it that the monorail is going to be running with less trains next year, hopefully this helps the congestion problem. Rumors are still circling about the removal of Bayern Kurve. Allegedly, a German showman wants the ride for the German fair-circuit. Currently, this ride has been down about 50% of the season, and with most of the backdrop already removed - I fear it is on it's last leg. The Great American Patriot roars over a airtime hill. The turn after the second hill is starting to ride a little bumpy, but otherwise - the ride is smooth as butter. The best part about the arrow roller coasters at this park is the capacity. While Excaliber has had 30-60 minute queues all day, it is nice to be able to walk onto WildeBeast. 1985
  16. They're definitely one to watch! They're installing a flat ride at our sister park "Kings Dominion" this year! December 1983 - Taft Broadcasting Sells Kings Emporium to the newly found Kings Entertainment Corporation (KECO) June 1984 Another year passes, and a lot has changed. The new management team seem to be hard at work with updates big and small. The biggest update? When Kings Emporium approached Arrow about a new thrilling attraction, Arrow pushed for the suspended model. It took a trip to a construction site in Williamsburg Virginia to fully convince the team at KE, and a discount due to the woes that plagued "The Bat" at Kings Island (rumored to be removed later this year) for them to get behind the suspended roller coaster model. Introducing... WILDE BEAST is a modern suspended roller coaster, equipped with high flying banked turns, dips, and twists through a scenic medieval landscape. The ride neighbours Excaliber. While I never got a chance to ride "The Bat", I'm definitely a fan of this new roller coaster model. There's something about the near misses, high speed turns, and the swings that just took my breath away. With two new rides added to Medieval Land, I wonder how the other park is looking. Bayern Kurve has lost the snowy trees, and it's signage. It's a shame. The ride feels a teensy bit more bare now. Coal Miner continues to thrill new guests as The Western Theater sits quiet. Work has been done on the tunnel for Mamba Mountain. I always love how fast the queue goes for this. Two-years in, and some of the transitions are noticeably a little jerky. Regardless, I love the feeling of non-stop loops. While The Viper is tied with the most inversions at Darien Lake, Mamba Mountain fits nicely at our park. Being so close to the entrance, you'd think the line would be a lot longer. We close this report on a view of The Great American Patriot at the top of the lift hill. 1984 download
  17. 1983 - Don't Look Down Introducing Excaliber. Climb 130 ft and dare to take the plummet. Don't look down. Entering the park, I was fascinated by what was in the former place of The Jester (1979-1982). I've never seen anything quite like it. The queue was quite long unfortunately. The capacity isn't huge, but the ride does load/unload at a decent pace. In the American Grove, The Great American Patriot premieres a new color scheme. This new shine of Red, White, and Blue is so striking! This roller coaster was tied for the longest line in the park, right behind Excaliber. Right beside Dragon River is a new restricted pathway which connects to The American Grove Mamba Mountain has been hauling trains all day. I've been able to marathon it multiple times. What a change a year makes. Down Adventure Island, "Adventure Through Time" runs peacefully. Of the three dark rides, Adventure-Through-Time is a favorite among couples. I've heard stories of couples getting kicked out for having a little too much fun on this boat ride. Speaking of dark rides, I love that Wildfire is always a walk-on. Tucked away in the back of the park, families love this ride. The inferno in the finale still catches me by surprise. Beside, Canyon River Rapids is looking amazing. I took one ride on Coal Miner before deciding to go home. It's a jerky ride, but I love the near misses with the support structure. 1983 Park download
  18. We'll have to see what the future holds for that plot of land. The park seems to be teasing something. August - 1982 Today I went over to the park for a ride on The Jester. With the way thing's are looking, I just wanted to get one last ride in just in case this was the last operating season for the ill-fated roller coaster. Unfortunately I walked into this. Not only was the area blocked off, but the monorail bridge had "Don't look down" plastered on it. I'm not going to lie, I'm frustrated. You'd think the park would give us fans a chance to ride this classic one last time. When I asked the manager, he told me it was sold to a place in Monticello Indiana. When I vented about my frustration, he handed me this flyer and told me "If you thought The Jester was thrilling, just wait till' you see what we have next year". He told me nothing else.
  19. (Hey guys, just wanted to mention that I appreciate all the compliments/support y'all have been giving the park.) May 8th 1982, While I was minding my business, I came across this advertisement in a local catalog. Then later that day, I heard about a grand opening on May 10th for a world record breaking roller coaster called Mamba Mountain. This one promises to flip people not once, not twice, but 5 times. Allegedly, it was a race to open this roller coaster in time for this particular world record. Another park in New York was close to getting it for a roller coaster opening later this month as well. I decided it was time for me to experience just what it was like to flip that many times. As I went over to Mamba Mountain, I was greeted by this long queue. I wasn't the only one who was excited to ride this extraordinary roller coaster. The roller coaster was great! I feel like it really brought together the "Adventure Island" area. My favorite part was just how we were able to interact with the guests on the path below us. The worst part? The 2 hour wait, and it's not even past Memorial Day yet. After my ride on Mamba Mountain, I was curious to see just how Canyon Rapids was doing. It was 65 degrees, but park employees told me every ride was opened today. I wasn't shocked to see the low ridership numbers, it was cold. And yet? The Log Jammer had an hour wait all day. As a walked from The Country Mill into Medieval Land, I went over for a ride on The Jester. This old school ride is a classic, but I was saddened to see it in the state it currently is operating. The paint seems to be chipping, and the ridership numbers are lower than before. As I crossed into The American Grove, I took a ride on The Berserker. With Adventure Land and The Country Mill getting a love lately, it would be nice to see an expansion over here. We end this journey back on international street. Holiday Cinemas recently uploaded flags to tips of the roof, and I noticed the sound quality inside seems to have improved. It's not a popular attraction, but a good place for some atmosphere. 1982 download
  20. September 1981: As the Summer comes to a close, we find ourselves on a weekday. The park is empty, and that one corner near "Adventure through Time" is not. There's a lot of construction going on, and some new paths. I wonder what this could be.
  21. 1981 - May Canyon River Rapids Introducing "Canyon River Rapids", the park's third water ride is sure to soak you on a hot Summer day. The latest addition to The Country Mill's is a good companion to the Log Jammer log flume. Moving away from the new Canyon River Rapids, Coal Miner is going strong a year after its' debut. Don't let the empty seats fool you, this people eater is a crowd favorite. Over in Medieval Land, we have The Jester. I'd say its' still going strong, but the crowds have died down for this attraction. While thrilling, it just doesn't seem to get the love that it did when we first opened. Over at The American Grove, The Great American Patriot is still bringing in huge crowds. The trick to riding it? Ride it at the end of the night. Most people run to it at rope drop because it is so close to the front of the park. Right now we're at a 55 minute line, ouch. Even worse? The queue for Yoghi Bears' Cave, our walkthrough attraction. It continues to be the most popular attraction in Hanna-Barbera Land. As it begins to rain, we land on Adventure Island. Adventure Through Time is still pulling in some nice numbers, and is a great way to escape the rain. Other than that, it feels like this area is missing something? It feels so quiet here. Wait, what's that in the distance? hmm. Wrapping up 1981 is another great season for Kings' Emporium. To wrap things up, Canyon River Rapids and Coal Miner has done much for the park. Currently "The Country Mills" is the most popular area in the park due to these attractions. Over in "American Grove", "TGA Patriot" is running strong, and still thrilling guests. Crowds are quieter in Adventure Island, and Medieval Land. The Jester, in particular, is the least popular roller coaster in the park. What will the future hold for Adventure Island? 1981 Park Download
  22. 1980 - Winter As the 1980 season winds down, the park enjoys the profit brought on by the new "Coal Miner". Meanwhile, an area has been cleared by "The Country Mill" monorail entrance. What could be going on here?
  23. Thanks so much! I worked hard on the narration of the park and getting it to be a full layout took so much work, I'm happy you're enjoying the progression. Thanks! I have the download park file here, but I'm unsure if it will work unless you have the custom scenery attached download.
  24. 1980 It's been a full season since we've visited here at Kings Emporium, and we start on international street. Not much has changed here, but the new monorail system seems to have been stacking up lately. Slow dispatches maybe? i've talked to employees who have told me that they're looking into reducing the number of trains to two. While i personally think that's an awful decision, we'll have to see how this plays out. Entering Adventure Island, we can see that they've invested money in the Exporail with a new bridge going over the Rhode River. What's that over at The Country Mill? Hmm... New for 1980 is Coal Miner. A scenic roller coaster ride through the woods designed by Arrow Dynamics. The Whip has yet to be rebuilt, and is still sitting in the storage area. And we return our journey back to International Street. The Exporail is still having issues with rail traffic. I'm crossing my fingers that the park can resolve this soon.
  25. Backstory: In 1979, seeking to expand from the success of Kings Dominion/Kings Island, Family Leisure Center (a partnership between Taft Broadcasting, and Top Value Enterprises) develops a plot of land just 15 miles away from Springfield Illinois known as "Kings Emporium". The park is a moderate success, opening with The Great American Patriot( a wooden roller coaster manufactured by Philadelphia Toboggan Co), The Jester (a Schwarzkopf Jet-Star roller coaster), The Woodstock Express (A PTC family wooden roller coaster), The Log Jammer (an arrow log flume), Wildfire (A darkride/roller coaster hybrid through a burning village, inspired by Fire in the Hole at Silver Dollar City), and more. 1979 - May We start here at International Street. To the right, near the International Theater (checkerboard building), we have the Berserker, a huss pirate ship. In the far right is The Holiday Cinemas (the dome) showcasing "The Rivers of Europe" short film, where guests can get a thrilling educational journey through the rivers of Europe. The Emporail is the prime form of transportation for the park, it connects International Street to the other areas of the park. As we move forwards, you'll see The Great American Patriot, a 72ft beast of an attraction designed by John C. Allen. It is the anchor attraction at American Grove. Here you'll find rides reminiscent of those found at the all American county fair, such as the Bayern Curve( a high speed spinning ride), and The Yankee Tornado (an enterprise model). Below The American Grove is a small kids area, this is Hanna Barbara Land, home of the Woodstock Express. This roller coaster is for those not yet ready for the ferocity of The Great American Patriot. The other ride her is "Yoghi Bear's Cave", a small walk through attraction full of gems and jewels. From this overhead shot, you can a better view of the Hanna Barbara Land, marked by the famous rainbow arch. Over at American Grove, you'll also find The Merry-Go-Round, a staple at any carnival. Moving forward, we're entering Medieval Land. The anchor here is The Jester, a 45-foot roller coaster that was imported right from the German fair circuit. To the left of that is Dragon River, a boat ride through the ruins of a castle. Myth has it, the ruins are guarded by a fire-breathing dragon. Here you'll find archery, village shops, and sideshows. Moving onto The Country Mill, we stop by our first attraction, Old Timers, On old-style automobiles enjoy a scenic ride through the forest. You can also find our Roasted Turkey Legs at Whistlestop Cafe (ignore the sign). While there may not be any high towering roller coasters in this area, two rides showcase this area. The first one is Log Jammer, an Arrow Dynamics log ride with a revolving platform. Themed to a Lumberjack Saw Mill, It's sure to keep you cool on a hot summer day. You'll also find Wildfire. Inspired by a ride found in the Ozarks called Fire in the Hole, The Family Leisure Center wanted to do something of their own. Wildfire is a ride through a western town caught off-guard by a dry lightning wildfire. It is up to the firemen of The Country Mill to extinguish the raging fire. It ends with a 12ft twisted drop into a splashdown. Also found in The Country Mills is The Western Theater, how to several shows such as The Country Roundup, a mix of good ol' bluegrass dancing and singing. The Country Whip is also found here. While the idiosyncratic placement of the attraction isn't beautiful, guests love the attraction. The last land on this journey is Adventure Island. This is home to "Adventure Through Time", a boat ride through the age of the Dinosaurs. This area is home to a lot more flats, and some shops. If you're into spinning, this area has something for you. The park map for the start of the season looks intriguing, and we're all excited to see what might come from Kings' Emporium. Will it expand into something akin to Kings Island or Kings Dominion or will it burn out? 1979 - July Not even a year into the season, The Country Whip has been removed from it's original location. Pieces from the ride can be seen outside Wildfire in a new storage area. What might be going on? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have the download on the parks section of the forum. I will be updating this yearly in a narrative format, and I'm excited to start this ongoing project. It took forever to get to this state where I have a full park designed to even begin a narrative format. I've spent months on this so far, and I hope y'all enjoy.
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