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  1. Hannya


    I would like to suggest a way where we could select and save our favorites! For example on the cheats - object chooser, a way to put our favorite items on a single tab that could carry through the various parks without the need to select them over and over again! I always deal with a LOT of flowers and plants, for example, and I have three favorite theme packs, I have to select them over and over again item by item to each park I win! In the end it's 2 hours choosing and 30 minutes play, lol... Well, just an idea. Thank you ♥
      • 1
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  2. Hi again ♥ Maybe it's just ME, but I remember that in the original RCT2,the Obsidian walls, that are some of my favorite to work with, are now looking SUPER ODD. I try to put a picture here. (In case it doesn't work the image: ) Take a look at this sideway. Greenie and granulated, it was certainly not like this before. It looked perfect even in the low resolution. I appreciate any advice to make it look gorgeous again! Thank you!
  3. Hello there - newbie here and this is my first post I don't normally like forums but I love RCT, it's my to-go game when I overload... so I thought I could give it a try and just report this little odd bug I found: When we select paths (in object chooser), for some reason, the path bridge tool (the little stairs and bridge to cross over water, hills it does ok), always will default to the ugly black wooden one, regardless of the path we choose. I wish I could film it and show, but I don't know how. And several screenshots can be annoying so I hope mods can replicate the bug, but if needed be, I can try with screenshots. Note it just happens when we're making a path to cross over the lakes... which is pretty odd! I hope to see it fixed. Cheers! Hannya 👹
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