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  1. I made a custom scenario and uploaded it, but forgot to select the green footpath as a part of it. I'd say 90% of scenarios have this path available. Why should I have to remember to check it every time I make a custom map when it could be [rightfully] available by default?
  2. Nothing more annoying than having to delete the entire ride and replace it bit by bit just because I want my car ride to go down the hill and not up it...
  3. Many real-life chairlift rides (such as the ones at Waldameer and Knoebels) only have one station and turn around at the other end and send riders back where they came from. I wonder how hard it would be to make a new track piece for the RCT chairlift to do the same…
  4. Imagine being able to set the maximum allowable build height to anything, such as increasing it from the default 35 feet to a more respectable 50 feet. This would allow some basic elements such as loops to be buildable above ground in this type of park. Conversely, it could be set even lower than the default for an even greater challenge. Another customization option could be the maximum elevation relative to the map rather than to the structure height (the actual height marker shown when building rides). This would realistically emulate parks such as Alton Towers where things can be built tall structure wise, but not tall relative to the horizon. I would imagine these changes wouldn't be too hard to make, since it's most likely just changing a hard-coded "35" to be an actual variable
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