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Everything posted by evrip

  1. I hadn't! Just installed them and the issue is fixed. Thank you very much
  2. Hi, I was playing RCT2 for a while and recently tried OpenRCT2 for the first time. In the scenario editor I noticed some new stalls which I wanted to see/try but they have no image: Using cheats, I enabled this stall in an ongoing game I had and it was built successfully but it had no visuals at all. Like nothing was built there. I can see that this new ride is in C:\Program Files\OpenRCT2\data\object\rct2tt\ride folder while all the rides that work normally in my game are in the rct2/ride folder. Tried to copy this particular ride into rct2/ride folder, re-opened the game but still no image. What should I do to make these new stalls work properly? Thank you in advance! Update: I can see in rct2tt.ride.mktstal2.json the following code. I searched my PC and there is no MKTSTAL2.DAT. Could this be the issue? "images": [ "$RCT2:OBJDATA/MKTSTAL2.DAT[0..6]" ],
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