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  1. When I'm placing a ride like a merry-go-round or a shop/stall, I can hold the shift key and move the mouse to change its height. However, this doesn't work for a pre-built coaster design. Why not, and how can I change its height? I'm playing a scenario where I can't actually change the land height, so I can't raise some land to force the ride to change height either.
  2. I've designed a couple of coasters next to each other that are synchronized. I want to save both. It seems I can only save one to a .td6 file. Could OpenRCT2 be expanded to allow the saving of multiple rides simultaneously?
  3. That's not my site, it appears to be a rather commonly-used one. I do have a purchased version of RCT1, which appears to be a GOG purchase from some time ago in a directory "RollerCoaster Tycoon Deluxe". Is that compatible with OpenRCT2? Is there a list of files/directories somewhere that it's going to look for in a RCT1 install, so I can check to see what might be missing?
  4. I'm trying to use the following content with my OpenRCT2: It does run OpenRCT2 when I point it at that directory, but I then tried to set it as the path to my RCT1 installation and got the error "The specified path contains a RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 installation, but this version is not suitable. OpenRCT2 needs a Loopy Landscapes or RCT Deluxe install in order to use RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 assets." Does anyone know why this error would occur? It seems that this ZIP is indeed supposed to work for the RCT1 install as well.
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