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  1. First of all I have successfully complected many of the scenarios and now use OpenRTC2 to experiment with ride designs. Strictly for fun. I have built many elaborate synchronized designs with up to four tracks. I also build individual rides with the goal of achieving high numbers of customers per hour. I have built a number or rides, without cheats other than disabling ride breakdowns, that achieve over 5000 customers per hour with one somewhat unexplainable instance of 5952 CPH. 5400 to 5600 CPH seems to be the long term average for most. With some cheating of car lengths I have managed to get one ride up to to 6216 CPH. I'm just curious if any others here are interested in the same type of ride designing and what sort of results have been achieved. I've uploaded a park with some elaborate synced designs. Several of the individual rides in this park have hit over 5000 customers per hour. Six Flags Magic Mountain 156.park
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  2. Mine do. Maybe it's a cheat enabled. I just tried the Hypercoaster on my PC and the booster was there. For the last few years I have only built parks for fun. No money or goals other than to build coasters that get as many customers per hour as possible. That is the challenge for me. I completed all the scenarios back in the original RCT many years ago. I was more than happy to find RST2 and just experiment with all sorts of coaster designs. I have saved dozens of Hyper Twisters and other coaster types, most with Boosters or Launched Lifts. I don't even have a Hypercoaster saved. I guess it is a design that never appealed to me, with or without boosters.
  3. Rather than chain lifts I often use boosters to shoot cars up to higher levels. With Hyper coasters I set up several levels of boosters to get cars up to the highest levels allowed by the various types of tracks.
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