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  1. Hello everyone. Would it be a good idea to also add the time since the last inspection for every attraction in the ride overview window? This would make it easier to investigate for example for which of the rides mechanics may experience path finding problems. Especially for parks with many attractions this addition would be useful.
  2. Hello, I have been playing RCT2 for a long time now, and enjoyed it ever since. Thanks for putting time and effort in developing and improving this game with this opensource project. I have a small issue to point out. Recently I continued with a huge park that I started a long time ago, and had about 8400 guests. When I go to the park information window, there is a tab that shows a graph with the number of guests over time. One thing I noticed is that, if your park has more than 5000 guests, this graph just stick to the top because the maximum is reached. My suggestion would be to auto-scale the vertical axis setting of this graph, so that it becomes more clear how the guest number developed over time, also for higher guest numbers. This feature would also be useful for smaller parks, where, let's say you are just starting, and only have for example 50 guests. Right now it is very hard to see anything from this graph, because the limits always go from 0 to 5000.
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