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Posts posted by ogrctfanfromengland

  1. Last time I was here I asked if it was possible to remove the turbo speed button and cheats from the entire game. I was impolitely told by someone to make my own OPENRCT2 game if I wanted all that. Is it now possible to install a version without them?

    Also I used to be able to play title screen custom parks but I forgot where it is in the menus. Where is it and does anyone know where can find a list of all parks in the history of OPENRCT2 title screens from version 1 to the current version?

  2. 10 hours ago, jensj12 said:

    The cheats button can be disabled in the options (though still accessible through keyboard shortcuts). I don't think there's a similar option for the speed controls, but since speeding up the game only makes it harder and building while paused is not allowed, that shouldn't be a big spoiler. If that's still too big for you, you can submit a feature request for a similar option to hide the time controls from the top toolbar here: https://github.com/OpenRCT2/OpenRCT2/discussions

    Good evening jensj12 thank you for replying.

    I was sorta expecting that reply because I've seen the ability to untick (turn off cheats) in the settings. But that doesn't answer my question about downloading a master/stable version that completely leaves out cheats and speed up.

    One more thing I don't understand what you meant by "if that's too big for you".

  3. I love RCT and I've been playing it for 20 years.


    However I havent played much in the last few years because cheats and speed up are so tempting, too tempting, it spoils the game for me.


    I want to play OPENRCT2 not the original games... Please can someone do something like that? Disable cheats and speed up in a master/stable version. Or, give players the option to load a scenario and a pop up says "disabled cheats and speed up from the start?"


    Thank you

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