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Posts posted by mdspence1

  1. It may sound strange, but sometimes i'll have a pathway that connects a far away point from the park entrance (and island for instance) sometimes these areas can become too crowded (mainly from trams dumping people there) and i'll use the pathway as a way to force all of the guests away from the area. The only problem is it will sometimes suck all of my staff away from that area to somewhere else as well. I could make patrol areas but often Ill let them just roam as it is a pain to set a patrol area every time. @SnowMew maybe an option prompt for each banner? That way we could pick and choose if they obey or not.

  2. Often I create pathways to areas that I haven't yet completed, or for a reason or another I don't want staff to access to these pathways. Often this draws my staff far away from the areas I actually need them and renders them useless. Is this feature possible?Thanks

  3. Instead of clicking each few squares of a patrol area, it would be much easier to click and drag area limits. If that doesn't work could a feature like what was created for the land and water tool where you can select your own size area up to 64 squares. Love what you guys are doing!

  4. It would be a nice function to build up land without having to slope each individual tile similar to the function in scenario editor. Keep up the outstanding work!

  5. Hello,I just came across OpenRCT2 today and I must say I am extremely excited for whats to come. I thought I was the only one who still played the game! Anyway couple of quick ideas...I am building a park with a bridge connecting a scenic railway to an island. Unfortunately the bridge is only 25ft but too high for supports for the track to pass over the water. Also in my large parks I utilize the tram...any way to add capabilities for more than 4 stations?Thanks Mark

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