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  1. I have a heartline twister coaster that just broke down. Because of this three cars are currently stuck on the second chainlift (see screenshot 1). However, once the mechanic is done fixing the ride and the chainlift starts again, the first car will enter the upper transfer, but it won't be transferred into the upper section, it just stops, which means all the other cars will now get stuck in a row behind it and never return (screenshot 2). Maybe it's because they're so close together now and this messes with the upper transfer when the first car enters and the second follows immediately behind, but whatever the cause is, the upper transfer stops working. Savegame is attached. Breakdown.park
  2. That would work for other coaster types, but the hypercoaster doesnt have access to boosters.
  3. Thank you for the ideas. I'm going to try to redesign the chainlift to have flat pieces. As for the block brakes in the middle, I already have a lot, but the train is just going through all of them because the chainlift section takes almost as long to complete as the rest of the coaster. Perhaps I could just make it much longer, but the coaster is quite big already.
  4. I'm currently trying to build a very large hypercoaster and have it function on block sectioned mode, so I can have a decent number of trains and not have terrible throughput. However, because the coaster is large the chainlift is very large as well. Because of this, the block section containing the chain lift takes so long to complete that most trains are just waiting in the station all the time, while one of them is slowly crawling up the lift hill. Is there a way to split up a chainlift into multiple block sections, so multiple trains can be on the chainlift at the same time and they don't have to wait needlessly long? Perhaps by designating specific chainlift sections as block separations, so the areas in between become distinct block sections?
  5. That can't be the problem, because the guests have the exact same problem in the last save I shared, I'll attach it again to this post. It's about 1.5 years old, I don't know what version exactly, and you can see the guests are all running out of cash, but the total number of guests is still at the same level as the soft guest cap, around 1070. Whereas in my new game, the guest number is at 40% of the soft guest cap. You can let it run if you like, you'll see the guest number will not decrease. I tried running that game until the same point I'm at in the new game, June 13 year 3, and I found that the old game had at that point 400 more total admissions than the new game, despite the soft guest cap being 600 lower, which means the number of tickets sold SHOULD be much lower for the old game. So the generation of new guests is a LOT lower in the new game than in the old game of 1.5 years ago, that's what causes a big difference, it's not because of existing guests leaving faster. Volcania2.sv6
  6. My park rating has been at 999 for almost the entire game, and my soft guest cap is at 1674, a whopping 900 more than the real number of guests. The main thought guests have is "I'm running out of cash", but I've checked in older saves of pay-for-rides parks and that's their main thought as well in those parks, but there the guest number is always very close to the soft guest cap. So that can't be the reason why the guest number is so low. That's the problem here, I already did all the normal things that would generate guests, build lots of rides, get a high park rating, but for some reason they don't work, and I still have no idea why. With 26 good quality rides and a consistently maximal park rating, I shouldn't be at 750 guests. That's why I really think this is a bug and not how the game is supposed to work.
  7. Well yes, I know that, that's how I played the game in the past, but the very problem here is that I AM adding land and rides constantly, and the guest count stays the same regardless. I went from something like 15 rides to 25 rides and only lost guests in that time period, and that is not normal.
  8. Just downloaded and installed the soft guest cap calculator ( and found that the soft guest cap for the last savegame is at 1674. So there very definitely is something wrong with my game, where I'm at 749 and still slowly losing guests. Can someone please look into this? EDIT: Added another old savegame for comparison. Volcania2.sv6
  9. Also the newest version? I'm using version 0.4.3 fwiw, upgraded to it last week or so.
  10. And just for comparison, I looked up one of my old saves to compare, and found this one, of a more advanced scenario, where I had 1380 guests with just 15 rides, also without any advertising. So it really does feel different now. Canary Mines.park
  11. I've been playing a lot of OpenRCT2 about two years ago, then I stopped for a while and I started again just recently with the newest version. But it feels like the guest generation works completely differently now. I used to just build attractions and the guest number would go up, but now for some reason the number stagnates after year 1 and won't go up anymore, no matter how many new rides I keep building. For example, the first of my saves I've attached is in October year 2, with 21 rides and I have 855 guests. The second save is June year 3, with 26 rides, but the guest number somehow dropped to 745. In fact I used to have over 900 guests with something like 15 rides at the start of year 2, but the October year 2 save was the oldest autosave I had. So while I've built 10 new rides, I lost 150 guests. I'm not using advertisements and they still work to increase the guest count, but this is an easy scenario and before I never needed to use advertisements to complete those. So what is going on here? Did OpenRCT2 change something, or am I overlooking something? Because I'm stumped right now. autosave_2023-01-18_20-00-50.park Crater Lake.park
  12. Unfortunately, the screenshot functionality doesn't seem to work anymore. No screenshots are created in the screenshot folder under the main directory. And yeah, Hunting Swallow behaves weirdly. I assume you refer to the weird pileup of cars at the chainlift.
  13. UPDATE: I now encountered the exact same problem with a bobsleigh. After leaving a downward helix with 28 km/h, it instanteneously drops to 8 km/h for no reason. The bobsleigh is named "Gold Rush", and the train this happens to is Train 10. It will happen about 15 seconds after the point where I saved it. 1751298095_GravityGardensbobsleigh.sv6
  14. Savegame is attached. For some reason, cars on my mini coaster suddenly instantly slow down from 30 km/h to 3km/h in the middle of the track. It only happens occasionally, most cars just keep their normal speed, but whenever one car is in the helix and the next one on the same tile on the track above it, both cars lose their speed instantly. For some reason, I can't save screenshots anymore so I can't show it, but if you open the savefile, go to the coaster named "Pixie Dance" and follow Car 4, you can see it happen to both car 4 and car 3, when car 4 passes over car 3. It happens within a few seconds after the point where I saved it. The cars behind don't have enough speed to cause a crash when they crash into the stalled cars, but I had something similar happen with a bobsleigh once that did crash because of this bug. I started this game in an older version of OpenRCT2, but I've updated to the newest release and the problem persists. 1860287693_GravityGardens.sv6
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