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  1. Seems to have worked! Thank you.. What is the difference between Installer and Portable, just out of curiosity?
  2. There is a custom object on NEDesigns for a railroad crossing
  3. I recently cleaned up space on my laptop and deleted some, what I thought were duplicate OpenRCT2 downloads, but I messed something up. I can only open SV6 files despite redownloading the most recent release (Winx86 Installer) as well as the latest Developer download, again WinX86 Installer.. The error message I get when trying to open a park says "Failed to load, contains invalid data".... weirdly enough, I got this error message last night, but was fixed when I installed the developer version. Now today I'm getting the error message again.. Not sure how to fix
  4. Seems after the update today I lost tile inspector. Shortcut key not working, and debugging tools not showing an option for tile inspector.
  5. Thank you. How do people know what they are downloading? The names of the objects are coded and ussually vague.
  6. Going through all the objects on Nedesign's page, what is the deal with the objects with a red X? Is there an image available elsehwere or is it not available anymore?
  7. You need not assume I didn't search the forum. I typed the issue into search and nothing came up for me, hence me asking the question. I have no clue how VirusTotal works, no experience with computer coding, or any real understanding of comptuer viruses. Thanks for the feedback though.
  8. Can someone let me know what the deal is with the SecureAge APEX and Trapmine files? The are showing as malicious on Virus Total. My score is 2/69 so I am hoping they are false postives but before I complete the install I am hoping someone can shed some light. Thank you in advance!
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