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Everything posted by Coastermaker

  1. I'm doing it for archival purposes, so this way if the file gets deleted online, at least I have it offline. So far I haven't seen 0.2.5 deleted yet, just the 0.2.1 and 0.2.2 versions that's it. But who needs those old versions when you have the new ones? So, I just do it because I like to have a small collection of dev builds from OpenRCt2.
  2. Someone on the OpenRCT2 discord told me where to find it. Then I found how to get the full download of it just by clicking on the number of the dev build itself. So thanks to the personw ho was in the discord who helped me find it. Thank you though.
  3. Hello, I know that Appvoyger was the original site where old dev builds use to be but. I'm now trying to find old dev builds of 0.2.5 versions. I like to get a couple more until I have a collection of them in my hard drive. Anyone have a link to it or what?
  4. I'm having a hard time as you are.
  5. Hello this is Matthew, I like to ask if there is a way to bulid unlimited heights while building a roller coaster. I did it once before but I can't remember the cheat in the game which allowed you to do that. I've looked through the options and the cheats to find nothing would give me what I want. Does anyone remember what the cheat name was again so I can check it off and use it again? It was a really cool feature which I can make the coaster infinitely sickening and intense than what I use to do on the old RCT2 Triple Thrill Pack. EDIT: Nevermind, I found it. Inside the shovel icon, at the bottom of the menu, it says "Disable support limits" and from there you can make it as high as you want. It took me a while to find it until I looked through the shovel icon menu again to find the one I was looking for. If anyone needs to find out how to do it again, here's the answer down here.
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