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  1. Ahhh that is an important note then. Should I just buy the steam version then? From what I've gathered, this community seems to lean towards not sharing .iso versions of the discs
  2. I found out about openRCT2 3 weeks ago and at that point I downloaded the current stable release. I can't find my loopy landscapes disk (no surprise, my parents bought my brother and I this game when it was released, 19 years is a long time to not lose something) so I have not installed the triple thrill pack. Could that be the issue? edit: if I remember correctly, that file was there but I will verify when I'm home
  3. Yes. I have been playing it on and off over the last few days including trying different options and switching between the developer and stable versions. I was going to take a screenshot but I don't know how without digging up a keyboard
  4. I installed it and the path is now C:\Program Files (x86)\Hasbro Interactive\RollerCoaster Tycoon
  5. I didn't even think of that, I was just trying to duplicate the conditions someone else had success with. I like your way better. I don't have my laptop around right now but I can tell you that I have an .iso of the original disc, it is not installed, and the path is to a directory I created as per the github instructions. Scenarios popped up immediately after restarting game.
  6. Which version did were you able to get access to the content? I followed the instructions but I cannot get the edge styles in the current stable or developer builds as of august 3 2018
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