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Everything posted by Saltmarsh

  1. Installed build 7fff8fa, and unfortunately I am still getting the same error. An update: I uninstalled my CD copy of RCT2 and installed the version from GOG. Still curious what the original issue was... but OpenRCT2 works now!
  2. Hello Gymnasiast. It's a develop build, v0.3.5.1-788697a
  3. Recently reinstalled OpenRCT2 and having trouble getting it to run. "OpenRCT2 needs files from the original RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 in order to work. Please select the directory where you installed RollerCoaster Tycoon 2." Alright. I navigate This PC > Local Disk (C:) > Program Files (x86) > Atari > and then select the RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 Triple Thrill Pack folder. I hit OK and receive this error: "Unable to load g1.dat. Your RollerCoaster Tycoon 2 path may be incorrectly set." Unsure what to do about this, as g1.dat is definitely in the Data folder. What am I missing here? Some notes: I'm using Windows 10 I installed the original RCT2 with a CD, and it runs fine I used the 64-bit installer for OpenRCT2 I have not had this issue in the past
  4. Thanks Broxzier, This means I'll be able to put files I want to keep in a separate desktop folder so I can put them back into the game after cleaning out the clutter (:
  5. Well this is embarrassing! I thought I had checked all the correct filters but forgot that a lot of objects were part of the Wacky Worlds, Time Twister, etc. expansions... For some reason those were automatically unticked and after ticking them again I was able to find those "missing" objects. Sorry for that! I should have been more thorough. If anyone does know how I can disable content downloading from other parks that I visit though, that would still be appreciated. I'd like to clean out a lot of the clutter.
  6. Deurklink, Yes. I had tried playing with the filters, and even when I had it set to show only the default scenery, it did not show all of it.
  7. This is a bit of a double issue... I downloaded "0.1.3 build 61ddbd9" and headed over to the scenario editor, where I noticed that some of the default objects from the game were missing, such as the Washington Statue, Zebra, Lion, and numerous others. Is this because I had too much custom content from visiting other people's parks? If so, is there a way to disable the automatic downloading of content from other people's parks. As nice as some of the new assets I acquire are, I find a lot of them are redundant. Now usually when I encounter issues like this, I check the latest builds in the download section to see if a newer version has provided a remedy. So I installed "0.1.3 build 674e094" and ran into a new issue: All of the custom content I had before is now gone. The files I downloaded and added to the game myself (in the ObjData folder for Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 Triple Thrill Pack) are still there but no longer show in the scenario editor. One of my saved scenarios, however, still contains some of the custom scenery I used. Anyone else having this problem? And have you any idea what the solution is?
  8. It probably would be, yes. I had chosen the Corkscrew without putting much thought into it, and then it just became habit and because it meant I could have all my designs in the same place. I'll probably use the car ride in the future though (most likely when I know I'll be able to save large amounts of scenery as I have been able to in the past)
  9. OH! Just realized I had taken it out. Some additional information I figure I might add, I have been using the Corkscrew roller coaster and building a simple circular track design and saving the design with scenery as a way to quickly "copy and paste" or clone structures I had made, especially if they took a lot of work and I needed to relocate it or wanted to incorporate it into a different scenario. Let me know if there is anything else useful I should add. Here is the updated save file, which includes the aforementioned Corkscrew coaster, "exhibit 2" which shows none of the scenery I had attempted to save with it: ye.sv6
  10. I was using build ebf479d Here is the save file: ye.sv6
  11. First time poster! I looked through this part of the forums and also the issue tracker to make sure this issue hasn't already been brought up or already resolved, and I can't seem to find anything that exactly matches my problem. 1) I have a lot of missing scenery. For example, in the Scenario Editor, I selected some log cabin wall pieces, but they won't show up when I go to place some. I've checked every tab, I can't find them. Is it possible that, despite not having the maximum number of any particular type of scenery selected, I still have "too many" selected and it won't show some of it? Or is this something else? I've been able to select log cabin wall pieces before, and I still can when I go to create a new scenario, but not in this previous scenario that I'm working on. 2) I saved a track design with a lot of scenery, before the last update, and it saved successfully. However, when I go to place the ride in a different saved game, none of the scenery shows up. All of the roller coasters say "Design includes scenery which is unavailable" and show no scenery at all when placed, including the design I had saved with scenery that I definitely had available. For some reason I can only place this roller coaster with the scenery in the scenario that I created it in. 3) After updating, I now cannot save any rides with scenery. Anyone else having the same issues?
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