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Posts posted by WispyGreens

  1. I've just installed OpenRCT2 on my mac and i'm trying to open parks that i built in the past but it won't open them.
    I want to get the scenery that i used in these parks, and it used to be that if you opened a park you automatically got the scenery that it uses.
    If i download scenery items and put them in the scenery folder it doesn't show up in the game either :(

    I used to make video's of my park builds and would like to start doing that again, but i not without the cool scenery i used to have.


  2. Command is the same on a mac as the windows button (dunno what it's called), so that just takes me back to the desktop.
    And i've looked through the shortcut key menu but can't see a shortcut for this.

    i think i can live with this minor problem, otherwise i'll just have to instal the mac version.

    thanks for the help anyway!

    • Like 1
  3. Thanks guys!

    Good tip to ad more scenery around the paths, i'll try to incorporate that in my next video.

    I know about the ctrl trick but annoyingly it doesn't work for me... I work on a macbook, and have installed windows to be able to play RCT and old dos games like i used to when i was a kid. Mac has a ctrl key but for some reason it doesn't work with scenery... 
    I know there is a mac version of openRCT available, maybe ill look in to that in the future.

    Glad you liked my videos, i wil keep making them so please subscribe for more.

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  4. Hi Guys,

    I've been making tiny parks and uploading them on youtube.
    I have made 8 so  far. I would love to know what you think, and how i can improve them. 
    Link's to download the parks are in the video descriptions.

    Check them out here:


    • Like 8
  5. Hi Guys, I'm new here.
    Just started to play (open) RCT again. My plan is to make video's of my parks and post them on youtube.
    I've already made 2, you can check them out here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC25Q56ubuIvZ9qF_XaVq-bg/featured

    I want to remove the border fence (like you can with 8cars on regular RCT)
    Is there a way to remove them or make them invisible in openRCT? I already googled the question but can't get a clear answer.
    I don't want to cover them with other scenery. As you can see in my video's it looks pretty crappy now.


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