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  1. Check out the Map Generation button in the Scenario Editor, in particular the Simplex Noise Parameters. Fiddling with those settings and generating random maps made plenty of designs with hills of all sizes and lakes.
  2. I'm doing a scenario where the guest prefer gentle rides. Somehow, the Crooked House is a very popular ride. I notice that it can only hold 5 guests at a time, which seems lower than I remember, but regardless - even if I activate the cheat to unlock operating limits or vehicle limits, there's never more than 10-15 people on the ride at once, which would be equivalent to 2-3 buildings, not the max 31. I looked around in (crooked_house.c), and ride_data.c, among others and didn't see any number for the ride's capacity.
  3. I'm getting this issue as well. It's going to be nigh impossible to know what steps cause it imo, because you do so many various things to complete the scenario with basically the only constant being what scenario is being done.. Could it be caused because I used the speed up function? Could it be because I entered sandbox mode to build an additional ride entrance? Could it be that I used some custom scenery? Who knows. EDIT: build a091d39 seems to have fixed it! Good thing I saved some of the scenarios that were having the issue on October 30th in the game, as I tried one that I had saved after I have completed the objective but it didn't allow me to retroactively put in my name.
  4. I've always used the English version; that's all I speak. I'm using the launcher and have been playing daily, so it's on the most current one. As of this writing, that is v0.0.6-HEAD build 729ac13. I'm using the game from the original CDs which I have running on macOS Sierra by way of Wine.
  5. Update: I've noticed it happens when attempting to make a roller coaster train over 190 cars per train. I can keep the objective when open and watch it switch right there. I know this isn't a priority fix since it's considered a 'cheat', but i know it only started happening within the past 10 days.
  6. Now it happened with a default park -Mythological Madness. This only started happening in the past few days. I am running the launcher. autosave_2016-12-25_02-16-46.sv6
  7. I've done 2 scenarios now where at some random point, the objective changes as shown. Another time it simply said "18+". So I can't finish the scenario. Unfortunately I can't tell what's causing this. It might be worth noting this so far has only happened with scenarios downloaded from other users, not ones included by any makers of the game. I'll update if I can get any more info.
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