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Everything posted by player49256

  1. Random scenery shouldnt be that hard, since they would work similar to trees? I can understand the paths tho being hard to implement. Another idea - Would it be possible, to lower/raise ground without scenery objects getting deleted in the process (as long as clearances and slopes are OK). For example, a tree only placeable on flat surfaces would only get deleted if that tile gets sloped. This could be scenario editor only, since ingame you normally have to remove the tree when doing groundwork, just like real life.
  2. Hi! Would it be possible to include all the variables available at the third panel in the generator, in the random generator. In the random generator you can generate complete scenarios with trees, lakes, and what not. But you have no options. For example, i would like a relatively flat scenario with just a small lake and some tress and desert theme. But today you can either generate complete random, or use the options but have no trees, and such. Would it be possible to combine those two? And also maybe have some structures, like paths and pyramids in all desert scenarios. Maybe a seed system where you can enter a seed for specific generation. The scenario generator makes beautiful parks today, just lacks some options.
  3. I tried raising map to 20$ and then removing all guests, starting over, it made about no diffrence at all. What i noticed tho is that the north entrance of the park seem to be a pain for the OpenRCT AI (the south entrance is exit only, no guests enter there), because most of the guests in park seem to have stuck there. So I remade the entrance a bit and after that i managed to get around 1800 guests in park, instead of like 800, while in vanilla i got around 3600 guests. I also added another path around where i show in first post where they get stuck, suddenly, not stuck anymore (illustrated in paint, forgot to screenshot): So all in all, OpenRCT AI seem to have a really hard time with the park layout, while Vanilla seems not to, and maps doesent seem to change that alot.
  4. Does this mean that the maps actually store path layout when they bought it, i.e. When you delete a path the map shows for them that it still exist? Anyways, the AI could explain a bit, since if they suddenly have a hard time finding stuff, they'll get unhappy and tired and decides to leave the park, no? Could it affect that much tho? I'm gonna try and lock weather to sunny and see how it affects the guests. Heres an image from further in the game: I ran the vanilla for to around year 12 and had at that point 3600 guests, still not doing anything besides hiring some staff. Also, is there anything i can do as park builder for future parks to help avoid this when using OpenRCT2? UPDATE: Tried freezing climate to sunny:
  5. Github report: Hi! When i open an old park i made (like 11 years ago) in OpenRCT2, guest instantly starts to leave and by a year or 2 ingame i've lost over 1000 guests. I tried this by opening my park in GOG RCT2 version, hire Handymen to total of 50 and let in run till September 12, guest count was up to 2734 from 2700, hhen i repeated above process with about same result (guest count went up) If i open the same park in OpenRCT2, hire same ammount of handymen and let it run to september 12, guest count went down from 2700 to 2660. I tried to open it many times in OpenRCT2 with same procedure and max i got to was 2690. When letting it run for many ingame years (like 50), it stabelizes at around 800 guests. So i don't know what I'm doing wrong but somehow i managed to get 2700 guests in the first place (I know i did not use tram or advertising cheats). So i tried to delete some alternative paths to make only 1 path that leads to park exit (instead of 2), and noticed some strange behaivour. I even enabled cheats and gave all guests maps. This is same park in Vanilla RCT after around 2 ingame months: Link to park save file (Using forum uploader failed, so linking to zippyshare): Anyone know what I'm doing wrong? Or may there be some diffrences (bug) between vanilla and OpenRCT2? Thanks in advance EDIT: Longer comparision, using same method as above:
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