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  1. Just thought of another suggestion, its only one. The ability to see through Paths, its the only thing that you cannot see through. so an option to see through them will help.
  2. I didn't know that, Thanks for letting me know
  3. This is a topic that is meant to report minor bugs that may or may not be game breaking, they can be the smallest bug imaginable, or a massive bug. I didn't see a topic that was just a generalized simple bug reporting topic, but maybe I missed it. Anyway a minor bug that I discovered is with money, if you max out the amount of money you have, it goes into maximum debt! So you go from having max cash to max debt.
  4. I will reply in order of the comments to make things organized. 1. I looked in the keyboard shortcuts and I didn't see it, I will try it with both ctrl keys. 2. Makes sense. 3. Makes sense. 4. Makes sense. 5. Makes sense, the reason I set a number of 255 is amount of rides in the park, and powered launch and chain speeds are maxed out at 255 (one of them is 573 but I can't remember) I thought that it would work the same way. Wow, guess we need a file format change.
  5. Suggestion's for various things that would make playing a bit easier. 1. A Keyboard shortcut for stacking scenery (pressing this shortcut will keep it at the height you placed the previous scenery item) This would make it so you don't have to stack scenery from the bottom up and causing isometric illusions. 2. A cheat to make block brakes work like how they did in RCT3 (You can set a speed and use them as a launch of some kind) 3. A cheat to allow more than 4 stations on rides (transport rides specifically) This would make having a massive transit system a lot easier since you could have as many stations as you want. 4. The ability to see just through trees and nothing else, this would make it so you don't have to turn all scenery off just to see through a forest. So if you are placing scenery in the forest, you could check the option to see through the forest, turning on "seeing through scenery" would make the scenery that you are trying to place invisible, so you would have a bad time. 5. An add-on to the "Disable Clearance Checks" cheat that would make it so you could place walls partially underground on a flat or sloped surface, making it easier to make microscopic details and to build on mountains. 6. Adding an option in the scenery tab to place a "variety of trees" toggling this option would make placing one kind of tree of your choice spawn randomized trees (like the random tree placement option) that look similar to the tree you selected, making forest's a lot easier and quicker to make. 7. Adding a cheat to make it so when you hold down the mouse button while placing scenery (lets say trees) it would place them automatically so you don't have to click one by one to place a forest. so as you drag along the map, trees would be automatically placed. This would further make forests easier to create. But to prevent spammers and grievers on multiplayer servers, this would be a cheat that you need specific permission for, and would be a SEPARATE permission from the general cheats permission, Giving server owners better control of it since this cheat would make spamming easier. The following suggestions are probably a lot harder to implement but i am going to suggest them anyway. 8. The ability to have more than 2 custom music tracks, This would allow for a lot more musical fun, and it would remove that pesky 2 custom song limit. 9. The ability to select more rides for custom scenarios (increasing the amount from 128 to 255) I am pretty sure there is a programming reason for why this number is the way it is, but you never know with technology being as advanced as it is. This would also apply to scenery, paths, etc. 10. (the hardest one) Allowing the people to be smart enough to use transport rides to get to another ride. Lets say a coaster is at the far end of the park and the person is at the entrance, a transport ride takes him directly to where that coaster is, he would be smart enough to ride the transport ride to get to where the coaster is, then ride it. this would make it so the guests don't get lost every second. That's all that I could think of, I believe that these suggestions are very possible and I hope to see them in future updates!
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