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  1. Yes. So.. I restarted the VPS today because something was wrong with another programm. You can connect again, sometimes it needs two atempts but its working again. Really weird..
  2. I even tried the newest 1e35c05. Did some more investigating and used old versions from OpenRCT2. Still happens. Turned off firewall to be sure it isn't related to this. Still happens. The only thing that changed since the last time are Windows Server Updates. But this weird problem only occurs on our custom Scenario, which worked before and works on other pc's fine.
  3. I'm using the launcher and double checked it: Same Version If you tell me how to do the coredump I can do it ^^ verbose give no extra information. Just says sending the Map compressed. OpenRCT2 just go into freeze and not responding on the server on Client join.
  4. Hey Guys, since some of the last patches OpenRCT2 have some really big problems. If I try to connect to my server (on a Windows VPS) it says: authenticate and then: No Data It worked on Monday evening totally fine. I was connected to the Server with Remote Desktop and noticed that OpenRCT 2 is not responding when a Client tries to join which leads into this No Data. We have some Custom Rides and Scenerey but it worked before and I works totally fine on a normal machine and if you try to connect to it. So something seems to have broken. If you need more Information and how I get them: Let me know.
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