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  1. I'd have to say my most hated roller coaster would hands down have to be Corkscrew @ Cedar Point The ride gives me a headache after riding it
  2. I'm starting a mega park with a few of my close friends, and any others willing to help out with the park, but I'm having a few difficulties with the server: Whenever someone attempts to log into the server I've created, my game crashes, and their screens show up as "no data" Starting the server/ opening the ports was extremely confusing, and I don't know if it was done properly I'm also concerned that my laptop, a MSI Ge62 6QD Apache Pro, isn't powerful enough to run the server alone. My friends and I concluded that two decently major themes in the park are going to be Asian, and Winter. Other ideas would be greatly appreciated. If you are interested in ever joining the park, just reply, I am uncertain on how often I will be able to have the server open, but I can easily move the server to my desktop, which can run the server nearly continuously. Any help you more experienced players can provide would be fantastic.
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