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Everything posted by frankspijker

  1. I like it! Love that you built the path under the ferris wheel. I like where this is going. Also I like the idea of fences next to every path but I don´t really like those. IMO they should be used as a safety fence for rollercoasters for example. You might want to use a fence which is a little bit lower normally on the side of the path.
  2. I think it happens when I build to much objects while the game is paused. I haven't encountered this problem if a fully build structures while unpaused.
  3. It also happens on my laptop. It might be a windows 10 problem.
  4. Yes every time I load the map. Also the problem did occur in Factory Capers which is a vanilla map.
  5. Here you go :)
  6. A lot of my save are corrupt. The corrupt saves will load the however I immediately get an error which says:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Assertion failed!Program: ...\user\Documents\OpenRCT2\bin\openrct2.dllFile: ..\src\world\map_animation.ccLine: 99Expression: obj-> type < MAP_ANIMATION_TYPE_COUNT------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Then I get to choose three options: abort, retry, and ignore. However choosing each of them results in OpenRCT crashing and closing. The weird thing if I start another save which fully works and I pause the game and load one of the corrupt saves I'm able to access the save but when I unpause the game it results in the same crash. I might corrupt the save by saving while the game is paused and making OpenRCT more buggy with the building while paused option enabled. Also I use the most recent development build.Thanks!
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