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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Problem fixxed! Cd-version deleted, steamversion installed, openrct installed again, and problem fixxed 💪🏻
  2. Hey guys, ive got a New problem, All the sounds plays, but the music doesn't, not of the attractions, but neither does the music in the titelscreen.. In the options All the settings set right.. What can i do?!
  3. Can i just download de development edition, and Instal this directly, or do i have to delete the other version first??
  4. Got it installed again and it works now is it safe to download the developer edition?? Or is it too unstable?!
  5. How do i select verbose..? What is verbose and where can i Find it??
  6. Same bank, different Names 😂
  7. Haha sounds awesome!! the collor is blue 😂 Thanks ^^ dank je Wel!! If I give you my bank, do you put money on it then?? 😂
  8. Surely did at least once 😁 Should that help?!
  9. Hey there, my name is Michel and im New here on this forum (you can read About me on my other topic where i introduced myself) now i got this problem.. Ive installed the openrtc2 thingy.. And when i try to start up the game.. A short/quick MS-DOS promt comes up and emediatly dissapears again.. And then... Nothing Im trying to add a Little video (134.7mb) of 45 secs to show wat happend. can Someone help me to fix this up?? IMG_6836.MOV
  10. Hey guys, i just want to tell you im New here my name is Michel, and im from the netherlands! im Reading this forum already for a while, but now i want to play too.. But ive got issues starting up the game.. Will tell you in a different topic if you have any questions, don't hasitate, im here and i answer anything you want to know! Well.. Except for my bankcard code 😂
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