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  1. Finally, I used the tool dattoparkobjconverter/objexport.exe Available on My original .DAT file (from ridemaker) has been converted directly in parkoj and previous images have been reordered. Thanks for your help
  2. Thanks for you return 🙂. You have right, just a folder with all my images seems works + the object.json file inside the ZIP (.parkobj) But I don't now how many images are needed for a footpath_surface objectType. Currently, I use the 51 images with the same order of my previous .DAT disassembly (picXXX + position.txt) Positionning is good (into the Tile), but no the image displayed on screen (due to the images order I think) And it seems that the black color is not transparent. { "id": "rct2.footpath_surface.bitume", "authors": ["Nico"], "version": "1.0", "sourceGame": "Pas de source", "objectType": "footpath_surface", "properties": { "noSlopeRailings": true }, "images": [ { "path": "images/pic000.png", "x": -20, "y": 6 }, { "path": "images/pic001.png", "x": -20, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic002.png", "x": -20, "y": 6 }, { "path": "images/pic003.png", "x": -7 , "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic004.png", "x": -24, "y": 6 }, { "path": "images/pic005.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic006.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic007.png", "x": -24, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic008.png", "x": -24, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic009.png", "x": -24, "y": 1 }, { "path": "images/pic010.png", "x": -24, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic011.png", "x": -24, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic012.png", "x": -27, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic013.png", "x": -27, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic014.png", "x": -27, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic015.png", "x": -27, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic016.png", "x": -27, "y": -13 }, { "path": "images/pic017.png", "x": -26, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic018.png", "x": -26, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic019.png", "x": -26, "y": -13 }, { "path": "images/pic020.png", "x": -7 , "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic021.png", "x": -24, "y": 12 }, { "path": "images/pic022.png", "x": -24, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic023.png", "x": -24, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic024.png", "x": -24, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic025.png", "x": -24, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic026.png", "x": -24, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic027.png", "x": -24, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic028.png", "x": -24, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic029.png", "x": -32, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic030.png", "x": -32, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic031.png", "x": -27, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic032.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic033.png", "x": -27, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic034.png", "x": -32, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic035.png", "x": -32, "y": 3 }, { "path": "images/pic036.png", "x": -27, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic037.png", "x": -27, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic038.png", "x": -27, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic039.png", "x": -32, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic040.png", "x": -32, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic041.png", "x": -32, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic042.png", "x": -32, "y": 2 }, { "path": "images/pic043.png", "x": -27, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic044.png", "x": -27, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic045.png", "x": -27, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic046.png", "x": -27, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic047.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic048.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic049.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 }, { "path": "images/pic050.png", "x": -32, "y": 0 } ], "strings": { "name": { "en-GB": "Bitume Nicolas" } } }
  3. I'm starting to create a custom footpath based on an existant using the tool "ridemaker". To test, I have updated several pics extracted from the disassembly and I have updated the pos.txt because of my new pics (different size) So far, any problem, I have generated a *.dat file visible with the tools "visual pathmaker" or "rct2datpreview" Then, I have created a folder parkobj in the following directory ...\Documents\OpenRCT2\object with my *.dat file + object.json file Detail of the object.json { "id": "rct2.footpath_surface.bitume", "authors": ["Nico"], "version": "1.0", "sourceGame": "rct2", "objectType": "footpath_surface", "properties": {}, "images": [ "$RCT2:OBJDATA/images.dat[0..50]" ], "strings": { "name": { "en-GB": "Allee Nico", "nl-NL": "Allee Nico" } } } Under openrct2, the footpath appears but it seems transparent but exists physically Could you help me, some ideas to solve this problem? Thanks
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