Hey all! I've recently gotten back into RCT, and have even found some success creating custom scenery using the object editor to make objects in .DAT format. I've been *trying* to get into making scenery (and hopefully rides!) in the PARKOBJ format, but I can't seem to locate the right info. I've gotten as far as extracting the JSON and images.dat files, and from there I can see that we have the object info in the JSON file (price, name, etc.). But then we have the 'images.dat' file, which AFAIK contains the images and the position information (like the pos.txt in Buggy's Ridemaker) - but how the heck do I make one of these? or read it... or repackage(re-zip?) the PARKOBJ file lol...
I'm hoping to figure out where to go from here- I'm missing some key information but I'm not sure what or where to look, any related info will be helpful!
I figure that if I find out how to cook up a proper 'images.dat' and find out how to properly repackage them into the PARKOBJ then I'm good to go, but of course I can't be sure...