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Everything posted by ARD_Wraith

  1. A very great deal of OpenRCT2 users are more enthusiastic about and dedicated to this project than I am, and I do not have their technical knowledge. Since a lot of these people have both the technical applications and knowledge to make the necessary trivial changes to the game to achieve the said changes, it makes sense that I would request this change instead of trying to bring it about myself. What about just making all the first game's assets downloadable?
  2. Well, technically, I do not NEED to show you anything. What you mean to say is that you WANT me to show you the pictures. Do not blame me. Blame this site's malfunctioning nature. I did try to upload pictures.
  3. I have also recreated the Mini Cars car ride. I may upload it, if I feel like it and there is sufficient demand for it.
  4. I do not have the resources to do it, and I have more important matters to attend to.
  5. The RCT1 scenarios I have download already have some of the assets. Is it really so hard to make the rest available? Are you aware that the entire West is being destroyed, and is experiencing a somewhat gradual economic ruin (engineered inflation, deliberate destruction of means of production, and so on) and therefore, people should not have to spend money on extremely trivial features, as nothing really matters anymore? Clearly not.
  6. I only have RCT2. I downloaded all the RCT1 scenarios off the internet. I do not want and should not have to buy the first game (I lost it VERY long ago), a very old game that no company really cares about anymore, in order to access these very minor features. This is ridiculous. Someone should create a downloadable pack for all the first game's path and terrain content options, if one does not already exist.
  7. I have recreated Ropey Rapids and Shuttle Loop. After multiple attempts with changing different settings, I was unable to change Ropey Rapids so that its default state is with a plain entrance and exit, and I have given up. People will have to change it manually. The Shuttle Loop is not an exact recreation, as it lacks the original train type from the first game. There is nothing I can do about this. As far as I can tell, it functions the same as it does in the original game. Shuttle Loop.td6 Ropey Rapids.td6
  8. I have just finished investigating this, and it is rather bad that I have to scroll through a cheat menu in order to find them. Still, I am glad most of them are in there. The nostalgic connection is now close to being fully realised. There is a problem, though. The sloped versions of the ride queue paths are nonexistent, despite being in the selection menu. These paths appear with steps even with the sloped version. I was also unable to find the brick side terrain that was present in the original game.
  9. I have just tried to upload pictures of it, in both JPEG and PNG formats, but bizarrely, they only result in showing the image error icon. Never mind. I guarantee you will not be disappointed with my recreation of the ride.
  10. Good news. I have managed to recreate Ropey Rapids. However, no matter how many times I save the ride with the plain entrance/exit theme, the game ignores this and saves the ride with the abstract theme. Does anyone know how to fix this?
  11. OpenRCT2, being based on RollerCoaster Tycoon 2, forces all of the upward and downward pavement paths to be steps instead of the smooth surfaces that they were in the first game, and it also forces all upward and downward paths to have railings on the sides, even if the path is on the ground. This bothers me. I miss the old paths. We should have a choice between the old and new path styles. Surely this can be easily implemented?
  12. I downloaded a large file containing all the RollerCoaster Tycoon 1 scenarios (base game and expansion packs), and, while playing the Forest Frontiers level, I noticed the absence of the Logger's Revenge pre-build that was part of the original RollerCoaster Tycoon. Naturally, I found this unacceptable, as it significantly interfered with nostalgic immersion. I have managed to recreate this Log Flume ride. As far as I can see, I have recreated it with perfect accuracy. I hope this is the case. After doing some searching, I have found that the other links to downloading this ride seem to be dead. I want to recreate Ropey Rapids, but it seems to be too hard to do. I have recreated the Shuttle Loop pre-build, but it is not the same without the original rollercoaster train type. Logger's Revenge.td6
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