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  1. Hi! I have a pretty easy question, but I don't know the answer, since I'm playing RCT2 for about a week now. How do i make pre-built rides, when I'm building my own scenario? I'd like to know.
  2. yes, it does happen in both
  3. I have uploaded a .ZIP file, with 4 parks in it about 3-4 days ago. It's my first time uploading something, and I want to know, how long it takes to upload and publish it. If someone could answer me that, that would be nice :)
  4. It worked :) Thanks!
  5. I have a problem. Every time I try to make my own scenario, the game crashes. It can crash while selecting items, while terraforming or while placing paths. I'm playig in the stable version and I tried to switch, but it crashs every time.
  6. I have a bug in the scenario editor, which really anooys me. When I'm done with the landscrape editing and I'm going to the research-screen, the path from the entrance to the edge of the map goes underground, but the path is not moving, the ground appears above it. You can see that in my park "Isla Nublar". I really need help.
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