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  1. I actually just found my original copy of RCT1 again after it being lost for many years. In fact I found the original CD, jewel case, manual, and box. All in separate places no less. I don't know what 15-years-ago me was thinking, but that guy sure did a number on his vintage games collection.
  2. That's awesome! I really hope that project gets off the ground!
  3. I've had the EXACT same problem with Linux on many successive tries. You'd think the community would want more people to get in on their hobby. Its even worse in the technical world. I work in enterprise support. Trying to explain to an engineer that his poorly-designed user interface is generating large numbers of support tickets, and a small change could save the company tens of thousands of dollars... only to have him say "its not a problem because I use the command line for everything" will make you want to rip your hair out.
  4. Well I found a github discussion from 9 years in which someone was able to center-justify all the buttons, that would work too. But it doesn't seem this made it into the main codebase. There is an eye-rolling yet classic engineering reply on the thread: "people can use keyboard shortcuts, and no one who doesn't use keyboard short cuts could possibly care about button location".
  5. The themes don't appear to do anything besides change the color. My biggest issue is the location of the toolbars, there is a HUGE gap in the middle with everything you actually need being jammed way up in the corners. Is there any way to move those around?
  6. Well that is encouraging, thanks! I'll look into that today.
  7. Hi folks, I recently got back in to RCT and have been enjoying it as an idol game. I played one park for 300 years. I've sort of hit my limit on RCT1 and opted to load up RCT2, then OpenRCT2. It has a lot of potential but I just don't like the RCT2 interface. Its hard to explain but I really prefer RCT1. Is it possible to "re-skin" OpenRCT to make it look like RCT1?
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