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  1. jensj12 ... thank you for the response. I hadn't thought about the add-ins affecting this part of the scenario ... I will have to look into that. As for the ECT ... strictly typos. Sorry for the confusion.
  2. Greetings All, Not sure where to put this topic, new to your community, and a sub-novice when it comes to RCT in general. However I found one of the few computer games I played has a revival (OpenRCT2) and wanted to share my experience. I play RCT like it was me going to an amusement park ... and it has always been my experience to pay a one-time fee at the park entrance and not pay for individual rides. So back in the day when RCT was native to Windows XP, and one of the few games I played, I set a Park Entrance fee and let all the rides be free. I never got far enough in the scenarios to find where I was required to charge for rides. Now along comes OpenRCT2 and I download the .zip file (v0.4.3). I unzip the file, but do not see either a way to install or setup the software. So I double-click the application and it works just fine ... just like I remembered, using the ECT2 and ECT1 I had installed earlier (yes, I still had my original CDs). A few weeks later I get notice that a newer version (v0.4.4) is available and I download the .exe file instead of the .zip file. All of a sudden I can no longer charge a Park Admission fee ... as soon as I try, and set an amount, with 15 sec the fee changes back to 'free'. What the f.... I do some searching online to find and fix the problem, and the only thing I see from 2017 is this discussion on steam about how ECT1, in this re-creation, is now bound to the rules of ECT2 and ECT2 did not allow for Park Admission fees unless it was designed into the scenario. <See link> below. But I had just been playing v0.4.3 and could set the Park Admission fee without incident. So the whole point of this is that if you do not install OpenRCT2 using the .exe file, but instead download the .zip file and play the executable directly, the scenarios play out as expected if you played the games back in XP days. Now, for those that know a whole lot more than I do, this playing from the executable found in the unzipped .zip file may have unintended consequences that I have not yet encountered. If anyone knows a reason why I should not continue, please let me know. Otherwise, this is for anyone else out there that wants to put a Park Entrance fee in place and cannot. This may be a solution for you. LongBeard
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