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  1. Thanks for the reply mate, that is too bad really. Yes, I wanted to raise the land higher than the current limit. Kinda strange though, since almost all other limits are raised up a lot... 🤣 I will find a way to make it work for me👌
  2. I am really sorry if this has been asked before. Hi, I am Tempelman and I have been in and out of the RCT community for quite some time, I have had a few websites and created some real tracks and a lot of other content in the past. I also have not played Openrct2 before, I think I have been out too long, haha. Lately I have had an idea to play and create something along the lines of the now defunct theme park of Ghost Town, a theme park accessible through a chairlift on the side of a mountain/hill. I wanted to raise the land more and create like a real high mountain area, but at one point could not raise the land anymore. Is there a way to raise the land even more?
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