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  1. Okay cool stuff. I may have been looking at the wrong folder, I see now I have 2078 objects in my folder...
  2. Repopulated my object folder using a known good previous install.. Currently has 356 objects in it. Any way I can see a list of what is supposed to be there?
  3. Hey there. Thanks again for help. Still not working. Just reinstalled for 0.4.1 update, same issue with the same rides. Trying to redownload files from steam now.
  4. Thanks Gymnasiast and jensj12. I have RCT2 from Steam. I am running on Mac OS, so I have my whole RCT2 install uploaded to the cloud to put on any new machines to use OpenRCT2.. Re downloading and replacing the ObjData folder now to see if it makes a difference.
  5. Thanks mate. I tried to uninstall/reinstall but no luck. Not sure how to get rid of all my files on Mac OS.. Tried deleting everything I could find including the application, and reinstalling from fresh download.
  6. Hey there. Sorry if this issue is already known/document somewhere.. After the update to 4.0, some coaster trains do not show up at all in game. The same goes for the ride menu, where I can hover over and select a ride type, but it has no icon at all. When I try to place these rides, they show up as invisible, or in the case of coasters, I can build the coaster, but the trains are invisible. I can use hacks/cheats to use a different vehicle type which shows up fine. This was not happening to my knowledge at all before the 4.0 update, have been on this setup working fine for some time. Any help would be greatly appreciated! OpenRCT2, v0.4.0 (c6302a1) MacOS 10.15.7 Catalina, running on a hackintosh (i7-7700k, RX580 8GB, ASRock MB)
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