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  1. hi I'm new to rct2 and was wondering if in openrct2 there was an option to have a park that is literally just a flat platform of grass or something so I can make my own park completely from scratch or is there maybe a scenario already in rct2 that I can do this on as you can tell I'm clearly a noob to openrct2 and rct2 full stop
  2. hi I'm new to openrct2 I just installed it yesterday but I've noticed on the new versions of openrct2 when I try to demolish attractions and rides they don't fully disappear almost like they've corrupted I fixed this by downgrading to use the older 2.0 edition of openrct2 but its kind of annoying that I can't use the newest version of the game considering there is no one online that still uses this version please fix this in the next update thank you in advance ps does anyone know an older version of openrct2 I could try that does have populated servers whilst I'm waiting for this to be fixed
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