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  1. What will it take for a Dev of OpenRCT2 to work on pathfinding. Now that you can make these parks so huge and have 10's of thousands of guest in it. The pathfinding is worse than ever. Guests are lost and don't say its my paths cause I've done all sorts of path types from circles to random to a perfect grid system they still can't find there way around. They will complain they want to go home but walk past the exit. Complain they need the bathroom and pass by 7 of them to go to a bathroom on the other side of the park. I've sat there and watched them just to see how they work and I can't figure it out. My park rating is destroyed cause it expects you to have no more than 25 lost guests. But that's totally unreasonable when you have 15K guests in your park and growing. Either fix pathfinding which would be better. Or fix the rating system so it doesn't punish you as badly for lost guests. A % scale of guests in your park would be more reasonable. If this is impossible at least an explanation as to why its impossible. I'd really love to know. Thanks!!
  2. I'm coming back to the game and reinstalling it on my laptop. Last time I played OPEN RCT2. There was a way to update your rides without having to tear it down and rebuild it over again. Now I can't find that button anywhere. Please help!!
  3. How many Park Entrances can I place with the new save format? I mean the blue arrow tile that shows where people spawn from? In vanilla I'm sure this was 2. What is the New Limit ?
  4. Thanks for quick answer. I didn't feel like this is what I did... but behold..... I reinstalled it and you were right. It works fine now. Thanks so much !!
  5. What am I doing wrong? First it took forever to download and get past my virus checker. Then once I did and opened it the game would overflow and sprites would duplicate and stick to the screen. Backgrounds would be black and it would be unplayable. This is super frustrating and my computer is top of the line tons of memory and space. The only thing I can think of is that my steam version still isn't' compatible ..
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