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  1. Jensj, Is the clearance checks the same reason for the path/queue issue?
  2. Hello, I am having some issues with the game: I have the most updated version: Latest OpenRCT2 v0.3.5.1-8282579 If I build a ride (doesn't matter if its a coaster or flat) The queue will lack the "front entrance scrolling sign" thus rendering the newly placed queue essentially another path. (First image) There is a way to "fix" this issue, and if I delete the path at the exit and place a new path piece directly in front of the exit, the "Front scrolling sign reappears. Scenery/Trees etc. can be placed anywhere on the map even through Coaster tracks or paths. (Image 2) Here I am "able" to put trees through the Bumper Cars, through the queue (which as you see has the first issue I mentioned), and Through the exit. PLEASE HELP!!
  3. I am also getting this issue when I am attempting to do this as well. in addition to the pervious issue I’m having save parks/scenarios
  4. You can see the corrupted files listed as "0 KB"
  5. 1. Playing game as normal - I am unable to save any progress with the game. 2. Whether is creating a new scenario, saving a park, or saving a track. 3. Below error appears and crashes the game 4. When I go back to the park folder following the game crash, the file I attempted to save becomes corrupted and I am unable to get any of my data back I attempted to Submit this as a bug as well I just spent 2 days on a park, and attempted to save it and this issue happened needless to say I am pissed I lost my work.
  6. Hello, I just downloaded the latest update and this is the issue I am having: It is easier to show in Scenario editor, but this also occurs on the main title screen as well if I selected options and moved the options box. My system is shown here- Even prior to the MS 11 Update I had this same problem Please help!
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