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Everything posted by CoasterRollJr

  1. I'm noticing that I'm not finding any of the additional tracks, objects or scenarios I've downloaded for OpenRCT2 showing up when I open it. I have all of them installed in their intended folders, but they refuse to show up. How do I fix this?
  2. That's the thing, error two is after I removed all the default objects and only selected the Louis ones. My question is whether or not, after I do all that and the error still pops up, is if there's a workaround for it. I've seen YouTube videos where the parkmakers seem to have access to most, if not all, the scenery options (especially with walls and roofs, whereas I'm only able to get a third of them, if that.
  3. Whenever I try using them ingame, this error pops up: How do I bypass this issue? Or more accurately, is there a way to bypass this issue in OpenRCT2 altogether? Because I want to use these packs, but when I do, it's either the error I posted above, or this other error I keep getting when I actually am able to use them:
  4. Here's what I mean. Video have been timestamped for convenience (no idea how to properly insert videos from YouTube, so if anyone can help me on that, it'd be appreciated):
  5. Specifically, I'm watching the Git Gud at OpenRCT2 videos and Oli414's stuff on YouTube and I noticed that they sometimes do a drag and drop for supports and scenery objects that I haven't been able to figure out. Is it through an addon that I need to get that isn't being brought up? Or is it just something in the game itself that I just can't seem to do properly?
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