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  1. Also having this issue on MacBook, as of 1st oct '21, i have tried the exact steps of what's on openrtc2 guide, bought rtc2 from (cost me 7quid, wish i hadn't now i can't get it working), downloaded wine and playonmac, followed all the steps, and it said vine wasn't working. didn't know what i was supposed to be doing, no clear instructions on the guide. Playonmac seemed more user friendly, but that didn't work either. Downloaded openrtc2, and it said to choose file location of the app, so i tried to of the one i purchased, but couldn't click on it. tried loads of different ways, none coming off. waste of 7quid. downloaded Parkitect for mac on steam instead. If i can get bootcamp working on MacBook il download things onto windows on mac, but that's not seeming to work either. probably down the line il end up buying a windows laptop and using that for gaming, seems the best bet
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