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  1. After doing some work on my park, I have suddenly started to receive the message "Your park entrance fee is too high!". I lowered it incrementally to see if it would settle, but I'm down to more than half of what it was (from $115 down to $65). Additionally, I also just got an award for "The worst value park in the country!" and noticed that the value has dropped $300k to less than $100K in a year. The park work was all land based to add some additional pathways. I still have all the same rides and kiosks. I did find the ticket below which is from earlier this year and I'm wondering if it could be related. Any help is appreciated! MONSTER Park - Down
  2. I am on Mac, so this could account for differences in what HookerHeels and I are experiencing (I have more than just the miscellaneous tab). I've actually noticed that if I selected the scenery group to with a specific element pertains, then it falls under that group versus miscellaneous; however this only complicates things because certain element types (ie: benches) are no longer all together. Also of note, unlike HookerHeels, my save format has not changed (not sure if that is GitHub specific). MASH153 (Mellow).sv6
  3. You can also go into System Preferences → Security & Privacy and override this.
  4. Lately when I exit the game properly (using in-game menus), it tells me that it "quit unexpectedly". It never actually crashes on me, but still wondering if maybe their is a larger issue that could result from this (ie: losing data). Using a Mac with oS big Sur.
  5. Has there been a change in how scenery is organized? I noticed a few weeks ago that some of my selected items were missing, but recently found them under the "Miscellanous" tab. For example, you can see the stone bench is here when it used to be with all the other benches. I will add that the stone bench may have been an item that I went back and added to the scenario while it was active (ie: used the in-game cheat to swap out items) if that makes a difference.
  6. I saw in the changelog that version 0.3.2 now features a hybrid (RMC) track, however I can't seem to locate it. I opened an existing park and accessed the "Object selection" cheat to add the track but didn't see anything under Hybrid or RMC. I also tried creating a brand new scenario and didn't see anything there. I've confirmed I have the latest version, so what am I missing?
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