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Everything posted by cruzy80

  1. Thank you so much!
  2. I'm trying to open a park, and I keep getting a message I'm missing "#X7ACCEL. Does anyone have this?
  3. 32bit; I used the x86 installer. My computer has 16 gig memory.
  4. Been working on this park for weeks, saved just fine...until today. Work gone 😞 What does this mean and why did my file decide to start doing this?
  5. You can PM me, or my email is [email protected]. Google dropbox would be great too. 🙂
  6. I've had this happen before! I'm going to try your workaround.
  7. OOOOH I love this idea! If I knew how, I'd make an 80's cartoon pack....GI Joe! Transformers! Oooh, a Neverending Story park....or Labyrinth! Sorry, 80's baby geeking out here. LOL Following to keep apprised of progress!
  8. First of all, I'm sorry you're in the hospital! I hope you get well soon! Feel free to DM me! When you're better, of course. I'm also in contact with OddmentsAlchemyLab so we can work out a CS swaparama. 🙂
  9. I have ALOT of custom scenery...gathered from many sites over the past few years. A lot of them are incomplete. I find that on the NE website, there are a lot of individual pieces but not as many complete sets. (example, I'm trying to get the entire Cottage walls/roofs from Junya Boy, a few objects are on NE but not all, and the scenery group download doesn't work...It gets frustrating) OddmentsAlchemyLab has posted (here and on NE) about a brilliant master project he's working on - collecting and organizing objects from EVERY park. It's brilliant. but no doubt a massive project for one person. Anyway, that got me thinking of a scenery exchange here? Like creating .park files with our custom scenery we can upload, so we can download custom rides, stalls, scenery etc. from each other to complete sets and get new stuff. Maybe this in some way could help OddmentsAlchemyLab on his project; at the very least, it could be a nice "swaparama" of stuff for folks. Thoughts?
  10. I was wondering if you have any more custom content you could share? I'm always on the lookout for more, and I have alot of incomplete sets as well.
  11. No apology necessary! I downloaded your files off NE,I am ALWAYS happy to get ANY custom content. Also, I am following your CS organization project over on the NE forum. I'm excited for it. I have so much CS but there's no rhyme or reason and alot of it is duplicates...
  12. Please, I'll take whatever you have 🙂
  13. Thanks, unfortunately this tab doesn't have all the objects, just the 5 I already have. 😞
  14. These are two groups that I am missing alot of the objects. I only have 5 and Depot Circus Midway has 31 and Depot Building has 19. Does anyone have these objects? In addition, I welcome links to any and all custom content you may have - I'm always on the lookout for more! Thanks!
  16. I know this is a WIP, but do you have another copy of Mama Bear's Frontierland? I tried downloading the scenario, and got an error message (as if the file is corrupted.) Many thanks for all of this hard work recreating the site!
  17. THANK YOU THIS IS AWESOME! I've bookmarked this.
  18. Thank you guys for your help. I have, in the past downloaded almost all of the content on the archives (with the exception of the Wizard of Oz - arrrgggg the zipfiles were not archived.) I thought maybe someone had dared figured out how to assemble on their own in the "proper" manner. That's ok though, I still have fun playing with the scenery! 🙂
  19. Greetings! I've got these custom scenery packs but I'm at a loss on how to assemble them in a way that makes sense! Any help would be appreciated...and if some one created a ride with these pieces I'd be oh so grateful! PS If you don't have this scenery I'd be happy to share! Thank you!
  20. These are really cool! I don't know how to make my own custom content, so I'm ALWAYS happy to download others, and always on the lookout for more!!
  21. Hi guys! Ever since the latest patch, I can no longer save custom ride designs w/scenery. I keep getting the error message that the ride is too large, etc. even though they are ride designs I've previously saved with no issues...? I can't even save a ride with one piece of scenery, I get the error message.
  22. Thanks to the Wayback Machine Project, most of the .zip files are still intact on these pages.
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